San Diego Union-Tribune



East-West vulnerable, South deals

There is disagreeme­nt among experts about what to bid with a balanced eight-point hand after partner opens a 15-17 one no-trump. Some will pass unless they have a fivecard suit and others will invite game. Today’s deal was played in Australia, where men are men, and all close bidding decisions are resolved in favor of aggression. South was Australian expert Michael Courtney, who found himself in a close game after partner’s aggressive raise.

The opening club lead went to East’s ace and East returned the five of clubs. Courtney won with his king and led a low spade. West played low and East took dummy’s nine with the jack. East cashed the jack of clubs and led a low spade to Courtney’s ace as West followed with the 10.

Courtney decided that West would probably not have played low on the first spade if he held the queen10-four, so he crossed to dummy with the queen of hearts and led a spade to his eight!

He now had eight tricks and he tried to drop the jack of hearts for a ninth. That didn’t work, so he took his only remaining chance — the diamond finesse — and brought his contract home. Nicely played!

He did not gain on this deal. The declarer at the other table, also in three no-trump — remember, this was Australia! — led a heart to the 10 in addition to the diamond finesse and he also took nine tricks.

Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to With Tannah Hirsch and Bob Jones Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail

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