San Diego Union-Tribune



Representa­tives from four nations have agreed to have Qatar present a nascent framework to Hamas that proposes a six-week pause in the war in the Gaza Strip for Hamas to exchange some hostages for Palestinia­n prisoners held by Israel, officials say.

The talks are at an early stage, and many details would need to be worked out if Hamas agrees to start building on the framework, they said. Qatar is presenting the proposal to the political leaders of Hamas, who would convey it to the group’s military leaders, who would then send a response. That process could take days or even longer, because the military leaders are in hiding in tunnels deep beneath Gaza.

In the proposed framework, Hamas would release elderly hostages, women and children, if any are still being held and are alive, over the pause period of six weeks, said the officials, who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive diplomacy. That would be the first of three potential phases of swaps.

During a seven-day pause in November, many people in those categories were among more than 100 hostages released in exchange for Palestinia­n prisoners. But some remain in the hands of Hamas or other militant groups in Gaza.

Some Israeli officials say the number is 30 to 35, but that is an estimate, and the negotiator­s do not know the actual number. It is unclear if female soldiers would be included in hostages released in the tranche being discussed.

Hamas and other men from Gaza took about 240 people hostage in the terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7, which also resulted in about 1,200 deaths, Israeli officials said. The retaliator­y Israeli military campaign, with robust weapons support from the United States, has killed about 25,000 people in Gaza, according to health ministry officials there.

Since the November swap, talks over a hostage release had stalled. Hamas has tried to steer any diplomacy toward discussion of a permanent cease-fire, but Israeli leaders have balked at that. A meeting in Paris was intended to get negotiatio­ns going again.

The terms of the broad framework were sketched out Sunday in Paris by representa­tives of the United States, Israel, Qatar and Egypt. CIA Director William J. Burns was there, as were the heads of Israel’s intelligen­ce service, the Mossad, and internal security agency, Shin Bet.

One official said Burns was very helpful in getting the Israeli representa­tives to agree to some of the suggestion­s.

The Israeli officials were expected to speak to leaders in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv about the framework after returning there from Paris.

The prime minister and foreign minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahma­n bin Jassim alThani, f lew from the meeting in Paris to Washington, where he met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday morning.

Blinken declined to give details of the framework at a news conference in the afternoon, saying that “the less said, the better.” But he said that the proposal now on the table is “a compelling one” and that “there is some real hope going forward.”

 ?? FATIMA SHBAIR AP ?? Palestinia­ns arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah on Monday after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis. Discussion­s on a potential six-week pause in the war between Israel and Hamas are in the early stages.
FATIMA SHBAIR AP Palestinia­ns arrive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah on Monday after fleeing an Israeli ground and air offensive in the nearby city of Khan Younis. Discussion­s on a potential six-week pause in the war between Israel and Hamas are in the early stages.

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