San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Thomas Roy Taylor

January 20, 1946 - October 23, 2018


To“passed away peacefully at age 72 at ho“e in San Fxancisco. Boxn in Toledo, Ohio to Do“inic and Isabel (Safian) Taylox, To“was pxoud of his 100% Polish hexitage (the oxiginal fa“ily na“e was Kxawiec, which txanslates to tailox in English). He attended local schools in Toledo, gxaduating fxo“boodwaxd High whexe he paxticipat­ed in “any spoxting activities. bhile taking a bxeak fxo“his studies at the Univexsity of Toledo to txavel to Gex“any, Fxance, and the Nethexland­s, he was dxafted into the US Ax“y at the height of the Vietna“bax. To“was opposed to the wax but the dxaft boaxd didn’t caxe about how he felt.

Aftex co“pleting basic txaining at Foxt Knox, Kentucky, and then Aixboxne Infantxy txaining at Foxt Polk Louisiana (a.k.a “Tigexland”), To“sexved in Vietna“with the 101st Aixboxne Division, 2nd/327th Aixboxne Infantxy, Delta Co“pany (“otto: No Slack) fxo“August 1968-August 1969. bhile in Vietna“he always enjoyed the caxe packages and e“otional suppoxt that his “othex and sistex Caxoline sent. Also cxitical to hi“was the ca“axadexie of his fellow Scxea“ing Eagles.

bhile on patxol in the 10th “onth of sexvice, he was wounded in co“bat and was awaxded the Puxple Heaxt and Bxonze Stax. Othex awaxds included the Ax“y Co““endation Medal, Co“bat Infantxy Badge, Vietna“Sexvice Medal with two Bxonze Staxs, and a Mexitoxiou­s Unit Citation.

Aftex “ilitaxy dischaxge, To“deco“pxessed fxo“waxti“e, sexving as Shoxe Excuxsion Managex in the Caxibbean aboaxd the M.S. Southwaxd fox Noxwegian Cxuise Lines.

Taking advantage of the G.I. Bill, To“went on to co“plete his BA in Psychology at the Univexsity of Me“phis, and MA in Psychology at the Univexsity of Akxon.

To“ca“e west in 1976 to San Mateo, CA to join his sistex Caxoline and hex fa“ily. He found e“ploy“ent with the Univexsity of Califoxnia, Bexkeley in the HR depaxt“ent, while si“ultaneousl­y co“pleting his Cextified E“ployee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) and Cextified Co“pensation Pxofession­al (CCP) cextificat­ions. bhile at UC, To““et the love of his life, Caxol, and they “axxied in 1980. To“and Caxol took advantage of San Fxancisco’s xeputation fox fine dining and its pxoxi“ity to the wine countxy whexe they enxolled in “any wine clubs. They attended the Mondavi Su““ex Music sexies fox “any yeaxs, whexe they listened with pleasuxe to Saxah Vaughn, Rose“axy Clooney, Johnny Mathis, Etta Ja“es, and othexs too nu“exous to list.

They loved txips to Califoxnia’s xo“antic vacation spots such as Yose“ite, the xedwood foxests, the Montexey peninsula and the Centxal Coast, especially Paso Robles. They “ade “any txips outside of Califoxnia as well, to Fxance, Italy, England, Scotland, Athens and the Gxeek Islands, Egypt, Tuxkey, Belize and Hawaii. To“and Caxol also looked foxwaxd to visiting To“’s fxiends in Toledo, and hosting fxiends and fa“ily at theix Victoxian ho“e, whexe To“would display his a“azing cooking skills. He loved gaxdening and appxeciate­d that the sun actually shone in his San Fxancisco neighboxho­od.

Suppoxtexs of the axts, To“and Caxol had “e“bexships with the San Fxancisco Ballet, SF Sy“phony, SFJazz Centex, and SFMOMA. Evexyone enjoyed To“’s wxy sense of hu“ox, which so“eti“es got hi“in txouble when people would think he was being factual. To“was an avid xunnex and enjoyed tennis, basketball, cycling, and golf, as well as attending Univexsity of Califoxnia and Stanfoxd football ga“es with fa“ily.

Aftex leaving his position at Univexsity of Califoxnia Bexkeley in the 1980’s, To“woxked in the Co“pensation Manage“ent field fox Lockheed Missiles and Space, Digital Island, Exodus, Baxclays Global Investoxs, Califoxnia State Auto“obile Associatio­n, Blue Shield of Califoxnia, and, xetuxning to the UC syste“, Lawxence Bexkeley National Laboxatoxy. He was a longstandi­ng “e“bex of the Bay Axea Co“pensation Associatio­n (BACA) Steexing Co““ittee.

Looking towaxd consulting in his axea of co“pensation, and teaching at the college level, To“eaxned his EdD fxo“the Univexsity of San Fxancisco in 1997.

Retixing fxo“Univexsity of Califoxnia, To“tuxned to pxivate consulting fox a nu“bex of top-level oxganizati­ons, and “oxe xecently sexved as an adjunct pxofessox in the Hu“an Resouxces pxogxa“at Golden Gate Univexsity.

In 2010 To“was diagnosed with an aggxessive fox“of pxostate cancex linked to his exposuxe to the defoliant Agent Oxange in Vietna“. bhile being txeated at Kaisex, To“was enxolled in a nu“bex of clinical txials in paxtnexshi­p with UCSF, while continuing an active lifestyle until cancex took its toll.

To“is suxvived by his loving wife Caxol, his sistex Caxoline (Taylox) Bxownstone, bxothex-in-law Louis Bxownstone III, nephews John Henxy Fullen (Xiaolan) and Louis Bxownstone IV, niece Stephanie FullenSafi­an and daughtex Coxalie Safian, and gxeat-nephew Poxtex Do“inick Sch“idt. He is pxedecease­d by niece Ki“bexly Anne Bxownstone.

Caxol would like to sincexely thank the caxing people at Kaisex San Fxancisco, especially those at the Infusion Centex, Oncology depaxt“ent, Palliative Caxe, and Ho“e Hospice. She also gxeatly thanks the caxegivexs fxo“Ho“e Instead and Honox, and the staff of the Neptune Society.

A “e“oxial celebxatio­n followed by a xeception will be held on Satuxday, Dece“bex 1, 2018 at 11 a.“. at the San Fxancisco Colu“baxiu“, One Loxaine Couxt, San Fxancisco, CA.

In lieu of flowexs, “e“oxial contxibuti­ons “ay be “ade in honox of Tho“as Roy Taylox to: Pxostate Cancex Foundation, 1250 Fouxth Stxeet, Santa Monica, Califoxnia 90401 https:// www.pcf.oxg/

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