San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Governor must defend delta


Gov. Gavin Newsom hasn’t flinched in fighting President Trump when it comes to loosening pollution rules in a smoggy state or punishing immigrants seeking protection. But he’s oddly noncommitt­al when it comes to a federal water grab that rewards thirsty farmers and Southern California cities.

Last week, federal rule makers followed White House dictates and issued looser restrictio­ns on diversions from the state’s prime water faucet, the Sacramento­San Joaquin River Delta. Newsom’s response: near silence. “We will evaluate the federal government’s proposal,” said a spokeswoma­n for the governor’s Natural Resources Agency.

That passive stance effectivel­y blesses a Trump promise to ship more water south, endangerin­g wildlife and the delta’s health. It shortcircu­its a long history of negotiatio­ns over water sharing. It should leave California wondering where erstwhile environmen­talist Newsom is leading the state on water policy.

It sounds surprising, but it’s not the first time the governor has wavered on water. Last month, he vetoed SB1, a measure to preserve endangered species protection­s on both federal and state water systems in the delta, a policy meant to head off exactly what’s happening. His veto was urged by farming groups and bigcity water agencies in Southern California, who’ve now found an ally in Newsom.

At one level, the dispute is the latest round in an ancient and unending fight: farms versus fish, arid Southern California tapping the watery north, and shifting needs in a growing state weathering the effects of climate change. The delta is the starting point for canals and pumps that ship drinking water to twothirds of the state along with farms in the 450milelon­g Central Valley. Lawmakers, interest groups and voters are no doubt weary of decades of inaction and debate that seemingly lead nowhere.

But the latest round is also a story of contrived science and political calculatio­n. Instead of a negotiated outcome that shares water fairly, one side is angling for a sweeping win. Also, by weakening the controls, Newsom is burnishing his political fortunes among suspicious voters in the Central Valley, a position that’s echoed by moderate Democrat officehold­ers in the same region. Being an environmen­talist isn’t always easy in the valley.

The new federal findings erase earlier research that indicated serious risk to fish numbers if pumping limits were relaxed. Fish population­s, notably salmon, have plummeted, with the result partly blamed on reduced water flows and the damaging effect of giant water pumps.

A 1,123page report, known formally as a biological opinion, was yanked within days of its release in July and rewritten. The new outlook: Instead of rules that curb pumping during fishrearin­g season and other conditions, there will be momenttomo­ment decisions based on reports from wildlife officials in boats near pumping screens. Findings that showed water diversions were harmful were considered outdated. The upshot is a green light for more flows south.

If there is any doubt about the outcome, there was immediate applause from Southern California water users and farm organizati­ons. “While this creates some uncertaint­y about our future water supplies, it is without question a better approach,” said Jeffrey Kightlinge­r, general manager of the vast Metropolit­an Water District of Southern California.

Countered Kim Delfino of Defenders of Wildlife: “These new opinions will be devastatin­g for the baydelta, its tributarie­s, and the fish that rely upon the delta for their survival.”

The eased pumping rules are due to begin in January. But before then, there will probably be legal challenges that could halt the changes. Then it will be back to the endless shuffling of plans over shoring up a sickly delta and the water needs of agricultur­e and cities. Last week’s change may succeed only in inflaming the water wars.

Nothing about water supplies is simple or easily solved. But bowing to one side and going along with a divisive Trump decision won’t help. The governor needs to stand firm and halt a runaway plan that worsens the environmen­t and prospects for a balanced solution to California’s water woes.

 ?? Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle 2018 ??
Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle 2018

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