San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Richard W. Selph

Dec 21, 1939 - Jan 19, 2020


Toasting dear fam’ly and friends with pride,

Rich’s limericks were known far and wide. Now his turn, we honor him with great respect,

on his terrific life we reflect.

Gen’rous, thoughtful, caring, and smart,

a man with integrity and heart.

‘39, in Richmond, to this world born.

His fate always to be airborne.

On to Pelham in Nineteen fifty, a teen, already known as quite witty.

Then to Dartmouth College, he went,

but for flying this man was always meant.

On to flight school in the Navy,

with a head of hair so wavy.

Earnest, studious, all marks very high,

his great brain he did happily apply. Commission­ed to the

Marine Corps with glee, he thought he’d surpassed the men in the Navy!

With a pilot’s hand and head always steady,

for ev’ry adventure Rich was ready.

Including a blind date on leave,

the love of his life, he did receive.

Took Ann to Lohengrin, a smart move;

of this cultured man, she immediatel­y approved!

Sixty-five was a very busy year: at Pan Am he began a much-loved career and a proposal to Ann accepted.

By marriage they were deeply connected

for the next 57 loving years,

a life together, through joy and tears.

Four children and adventures galore,

Rich eager the world to explore.

Bahamas, Berlin, and Tirol, with the punches Ann happy to roll.

Skiing the Alps and sailing in Sweden, so much fun to be had, again and again.

The sound of a roar, the shriek of a kid, a dad at play as he so wonderfull­y did. Adventures and fun were his calling card, although escaping the “Graben” could be hard!

He instilled in his kids a confidence, in fact,

an only child, finally at play with his pack.

An example: Terrific Teen Time in Tirol.

What kind of dad sets that as a goal? Someone who could see from above, what daughters and sons require of love.

Treasure hunts for birthdays all through the town,

often delighting the kids as a clown.

Though hobbies galore Rich had in these years,

his career he did not put in arears.

Rich known for his flying efficiency,

invited to share this proficienc­y.

Other pilots he trained, with patience and skill, Rich embraced this new role with thrill.

With heavy heart from Pan Am to United,

in San Francisco, the fam’ly alighted.

He loved this city for 35 years.

At age sixty, was forced to change gears,

retirement never on his mind; however, this was by the FAA defined.

But adventures not over for Rich, no way.

Enjoyed skiing in Vail and sailing on the Bay.

To Alaska on his beloved Goldwing,

Ann and Rich, a team, “Pu” did bring. Gathered with tough bikers on the ferry, a surprise,

as this tiny white dog emerged, their cries!

With good friends in all places, loved by so many, and, in all cases, admired for his generosity, loving nature, and curiosity,

Rich devoted friends did amass, bonds near and dear his heart, everlast. Always seeking mental stimulatio­n,

The Commonweal­th Club, for new revelation, was much loved by Rich, an enquiring mind.

To continued education, he was inclined.

An interest in tech never subsided,

“Longevity Explorers”, to the end, learning provided.

And in true paternal GOAT fashion,

with grandkids continued the passion.

Another generation, all 7 inspired,

the kids’ kids for the future are wired.

Special care he always took, with humility,

to foster each offspring’s ability.

And with this tribute we celebrate his life,

survived by four children, 7 grandkids, his wife.

Rich will be missed by all deeply and dearly, a man of whom could be said so clearly:

larger than life, honorable, and kind,

an unsurpassa­ble legacy Rich leaves behind.

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