San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Falsehoods diminish trust in recall

Trump-inspired claims could keep many from voting

- By Kaylee Fagan

The campaign to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a conspiracy theory problem, and it just might siphon off votes that could aid its cause.

In an illustrati­on of the fallout from Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” lie that the 2020 presidenti­al election was stolen from him, California recall supporters have unleashed streams of unfounded allegation­s on Facebook and other online forums, suggesting the state will continue in mass voter fraud to keep Newsom in power.

“We all know 2020s [sic] election was stolen from President Trump,” a woman wrote last month in a private Facebook group run by the prorecall campaign to rally support in Orange County. “If we can’t guarantee election integrity, the Dems will cheat again.”

“We can vote all day but if it’s in a corrupt voting system it’s not going to matter!” a recall supporter from San Bernardino County wrote, also last month, in the campaign’s public Facebook group, which is statewide and has 25,000 members.

These views are anything

For comprehens­ive Chronicle coverage of the 2021 recall:

sfchronicl­ For a visual guild to understand­ing the recall ballot:


but isolated, according to a Chronicle analysis of two months of posts and comments on the recall’s official Facebook pages. Supporters have repeatedly pushed conspiracy theories and other false or unsupporte­d claims about next month’s election, as well as the pandemic and other issues.

On Aug. 15, for example, nearly half of the 47 posts published to the pro-recall campaign’s public Facebook group, “RecallGavi­ — Home Page Public Forum,” contained either overtly false claims, references to popular conspiracy theories, or expression­s of concern about election rigging in either the body of the post or the comments.

The intensity of these assertions — which have been amplified by the Republican front-runner in the election, radio host Larry Elder — has prompted both recall supporters and voting experts to worry they could diminish trust in the election and even discourage some people from voting altogether.

“Distress at that level can make people feel like this election — or any election — may be not worthy of their time,” said Mindy Romero, director of the Center for Inclusive Democracy. “And as we know, from the polls and lots of research that’s happened post-2020, Republican­s are much more likely to believe the election was stolen, much more likely to distrust the electoral process. And I think it’s just dangerous ground. It’s not good for a democracy.”

Many recall supporters appear to be aware of the danger, raising the issue in online forums though not necessaril­y correcting false assertions.

In response to the San Bernardino County resident’s comment about alleged corruption, a fellow recall backer wrote, “Please vote even if you have doubts about the credibilit­y of our system. If Newsom cheats, your vote is a fingerprin­t for evidence. There’s a freight train of forensic audits heading to every state. He will get caught.”

Orrin Heatlie, the organizer of the Newsom recall petition, said in interviews that he is concerned that election-related myths might decrease voter turnout. Policing disinforma­tion, he said, has become “a never-ending chore,” but a necessary priority for the campaign, officially known as the California Patriot Coalition — Recall Governor Gavin Newsom.

“If people feel their vote won’t count, they won’t vote,” Heatlie said.

He said his team appointed roughly 240 volunteer administra­tors to moderate the campaign’s dozens of Facebook groups. In general, each county has one, some metro areas do too, and there are a handful of statewide groups. Heatlie said these moderators are trained to take down posts that contain what they consider to be clear misinforma­tion, including references to the QAnon conspiracy theory.

“We have strict policies regarding the content that we allow to be posted on these groups. It’s got to be related to California politics and the recall,” Heatlie said. “Sometimes a post will get through and if we find out about it, then we remove them.”

And if a particular administra­tor lets too many false claims fly? “Then they’re removed from the group,” he said.

But The Chronicle found many false or unfounded posts that were not removed. Heatlie said the campaign doesn’t have “the bandwidth to screen every comment,” and acknowledg­ed that some posts by recall supporters concerned about fraud are not removed but challenged.

“Sometimes the discussion is good,” he said, “because people will point that out and the discussion that ensues helps people figure out the reality of the situation.”

Facebook, which according to Heatlie has removed some posts and comments from these groups, has Community Standards that bar the “misreprese­ntation of who can vote, qualificat­ions for voting, whether a vote will be counted, and what informatio­n and/ or materials must be provided in order to vote.”

Facebook relies on artificial intelligen­ce and third-party fact-checkers to flag or remove content it determines is in violation. In a 2018 blog post, Facebook Product Manager Tessa Lyons described the limitation­s of this approach, saying, “Even where factchecki­ng organizati­ons do exist, there aren’t enough to review all potentiall­y false claims online. It can take hours or even days to review a single claim.”

Told of the prevalence of conspiracy theories in the groups affiliated with the recall campaign, a Facebook spokespers­on said via email: “We connect people with reliable informatio­n about when and how to vote ahead of elections. We enforce our rules prohibitin­g voter suppressio­n and other policies, including in private groups, using a combinatio­n of machine learning and teams of people.”

But whatever increased policing social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter have done has not stopped the sharing of false informatio­n about voting by some recall supporters.

“They have their eggs in one basket because they will cheat the election,” a member of an Orange County recall group wrote on July 14. “Millions of ballots going to people who dont [sic] exist. Etc etc.”

“That’s we’re [sic] the fraud will begin,” another group member responded. “With mailing out ballots. Then we will have dead people voting and illegals just like in the presidenti­al election.”

Several academic studies and journalist­ic efforts have shown that these allegation­s are unfounded.

Stanford researcher­s, for example, studied universal mail-in voting in Washington state. In a report last year, they said cases of voter fraud in which someone allegedly cast a ballot on behalf of a deceased person were “extremely rare.” The cases made up about 0.0003% of the more than 4.5 million votes cast in the state from 2011 to 2018, the study’s authors wrote, and even the few cases “may reflect two individual­s with the same name and birth date, or clerical errors, rather than fraud.”

In a 2017 study, researcher­s at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School investigat­ed “improper noncitizen votes” across 42 jurisdicti­ons in 12 states and found that fraudulent voting by noncitizen­s accounted for 0.0001% of votes cast.

“The absence of fraud reinforces a wide consensus among scholars, journalist­s and election administra­tors: voter fraud of any kind, including noncitizen voting, is rare,” the authors wrote.

Heatlie, the recall leader, said he had concerns about the integrity of voting by mail in the past. “I was adamantly opposed to mail-in ballots, because they lend themselves more readily available for fraud,” he said.

But, he said, in the current campaign, his approach to mail-in voting has taken a complete turn. “I’ve seen firsthand how apathetic and lazy the voting population is in California. … You have to make it as easy as possible for people to cast their vote otherwise they just won’t do it,” he said. “I’m for mail-in ballots. I think it’s going to make everything easier for people to cast their vote.”

Conspiracy theories about

“If people feel their vote won’t count, they won’t vote.”

Orrin Heatlie, organizer of Newsom recall petition

voter fraud exploded after the 2016 election, when Trump falsely claimed he won the popular vote. “Trump put this whole thing on steroids,” said Lorraine Minnite, a public policy professor at Rutgers University and author of the 2010 book “The Myth of Voter Fraud.”

The same year, Trump’s adviser and friend Roger Stone helped introduce the slogan “Stop the Steal,” which became an organized campaign and a rallying cry at sometimes violent protests across the country in the aftermath of Trump’s loss in the 2020 election, including January’s storming of the U.S. Capitol.

“So what you get at the end is a solid base of extremism which is convinced of the illegitima­cy of the 2020 election,” said Lawrence Rosenthal, the chair and lead researcher of the Berkeley Center for RightWing Studies. “And so, in order to maintain the credibilit­y, the enthusiasm, or the emotional commitment of this movement, it requires consistent, repeated, nonstop assertions of misinforma­tion.”

Posts of conspiracy theories about the recall are not unique to Facebook. The recall campaign has published unsupporte­d claims on its website, RecallGavi­, in the form of voter testimonia­ls.

“DO NOT let it be like 2020 and the Biden steal. Act now, act hard, because if we don’t take California back NOW, it’ll be to (sic) late,” wrote a recall supporter identified as “J From Orange County.”

Newsom “is from a family that is/was involved with the mafia,” wrote “Lori From Sonoma County.”

Heatlie told The Chronicle he was unaware of these testimonia­ls and would look into them.

Speaking for himself and not the campaign, Heatlie criticized Elder, the leading Republican candidate, for incorporat­ing conspirato­rial rhetoric into his public comments. On Aug. 19, Elder tweeted an article from the Gateway Pundit, a far-right news site, that falsely claimed California’s mail-in ballot had features designed to facilitate fraud.

The ballot design elements discussed in the article are standard, a Chronicle fact check shows. For instance, a pair of small holes in the return envelope — described in the article as a scheme to allow Newsom backers to look inside and selectivel­y discard pro-recall ballots — are tactile aids for visually impaired voters to indicate where to sign their names. They also serve as a visual check for elections officials to ensure a ballot has not been left inside an envelope uncounted.

Ying Ma, a spokespers­on for Elder, told The Chronicle that the candidate was trying to “stimulate discussion” about the integrity and competence of the election process.

“Just because he posts something doesn’t mean he’s making an allegation,” Ma said. “We want to make sure every vote is counted.”

Minnite, the Rutgers professor, said misinforma­tion about voter fraud and mail-in ballots is probably inspired, at least in part, by confusion surroundin­g recent changes to some rules and procedures. Many changes were introduced in 2020 to minimize the risk of voters contractin­g the coronaviru­s at the polls.

At least one recent change to the recall election process, though legal, was a political move that fueled doubts about fairness. Democratic lawmakers adopted new rules this summer that bypassed several steps in the recall certificat­ion process, allowing the election to take place at least a month sooner than it would have otherwise, a move seen as benefiting Newsom.

“I think what’s happened is the fraud argument got sort of woven into this other argument about the rules changing,” Minnite said.

Representa­tives from the campaign to stop the recall effort, led by Newsom, did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

The secretary of state’s office, which oversees elections, called voter discourage­ment the “biggest threat” posed by election-related conspiracy theories, and said it was working to “inoculate voters against election misinforma­tion when it arises.”

“We believe misinforma­tion draws from confusion and concern,” the office said in a statement, “so we try to meet that confusion and concern with accurate, transparen­t explanatio­ns to commonly misunderst­ood questions, like breaking down the security features of our voting systems or illustrati­ng how to vote on a ballot.”

Romero, of the Center for Inclusive Democracy, said she didn’t expect major “Stop the Steal”-style protests if Newsom fights off the recall attempt, but said it would be “foolish to rule anything out.”

“I think the only thing we can say for certain is that if Newsom survives, the conviction will be widespread in this world that it happened because it was rigged,” said Rosenthal, the Berkeley researcher. “That’s almost a given.”

 ?? Marcio Jose Sanchez / Associated Press ?? Radio host and top challenger Larry Elder falsely claimed the state’s mail-in ballot had features designed to facilitate fraud.
Marcio Jose Sanchez / Associated Press Radio host and top challenger Larry Elder falsely claimed the state’s mail-in ballot had features designed to facilitate fraud.
 ?? Chronicle photo illustrati­on from Getty Images elements ??
Chronicle photo illustrati­on from Getty Images elements

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