San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Sale of Mandela’s prison key draws minister’s rebuke

- By Andrew Meldrum Andrew Meldrum is an Associated Press writer.

JOHANNESBU­RG — A South African Cabinet minister urged the cancellati­on of an upcoming U.S. auction of a key to the Robben Island prison cell where Nelson Mandela, the country’s first Black president, was long jailed for his opposition to apartheid.

The key is among Mandela memorabili­a being sold by Guernsey’s auction house in New York on Jan. 28. Most of the items were provided by members of Mandela’s family to raise funds for a planned museum and garden around his grave, while the key is being sold by Mandela’s former jailer who became his friend.

“It is unfathomab­le for Guernsey’s, which is clearly aware of the painful history of our country and the symbolism of the key, to consider auctioning the key without any consultati­on with the South African government, the heritage authoritie­s in South Africa and Robben Island Museum,” Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture Nathi Mthethwa said in a statement.

“This key belongs to the people of South Africa under the care of Robben Island Museum and the South African State. It is not anyone’s personal belonging,” said Mthethwa.

In response, the auction house said the proceeds of the sale are to raise funds to build a 24-acre memorial garden and museum around Mandela’s burial site. Mandela’s oldest daughter, Makaziwe Mandela-Amuah, approached Guernsey’s to hold an auction of Mandela memorabili­a

Nelson Mandela and former U.S. President Bill Clinton visit Mandela’s Robben Island prison cell in 1998. The key to the cell is among Mandela items being sold by Guernsey’s auction house.

to help build the garden, Arlan Ettinger, president of Guernsey’s, told the Associated Press.

“We are honored to sell many items from the Mandela family to help them create the garden,” Ettinger said. The 33 objects to be auctioned include one of Mandela’s colorful shirts, gifts from former U.S. presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, as well

as items that he signed and artwork.

The key to his former jail cell is one of three items put up for sale by Christo Brand, Mandela’s Robben Island jailer.

A draft of South Africa’s constituti­on that Mandela inscribed to Brand and an exercise bicycle Mandela used were also provided for the auction by Brand. Brand’s

representa­tive could not be reached for comment.

The key has been in Brand’s possession for many years and has been exhibited internatio­nally, said Ettinger. Mandela’s daughter has approved its sale and a portion of the proceeds will go to the garden fund, he said.

 ?? Scott Applewhite / Associated Press 1998 ??
Scott Applewhite / Associated Press 1998

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