San Francisco Chronicle - (Sunday)

Say you’ll be back, Arnold, this time to run for president

- Joe Mathews writes the Connecting California column for Zócalo Public Square

Dear Arnold,

In the new Netflix action series, “FUBAR,” you’re terrific as a retiring CIA agent pulled back into a messedup intelligen­ce conflict because he didn’t realize his daughter is also a secret agent.

You also may not realize that, in real life, the door just opened for you to be pulled back into the FUBAR (“F—ed Up Beyond All Recognitio­n”) of our national politics. I’m writing to ask you to walk through that door, and run for president for the good of our country.

You’ve long said that you would run for president, if not for two facts: that you were born an Austrian, and that Article II, Sec. 1 of the U.S. Constituti­on says “no Person except a natural born Citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

The article hasn’t changed, but American devotion to the Constituti­on and its provisions on presidenti­al eligibilit­y has.

Donald Trump is responsibl­e for this. Incredibly, he has inspired leading Democrats and Republican­s to take the position that being constituti­onally ineligible to serve as president is no longer a barrier to running for president.

A new consensus has emerged: Voters have the right to choose whomever they want as president, no matter what the Constituti­on says.

This is the product of Trump’s own ineligibil­ity for the presidency. The Constituti­on’s 14th Amendment bars any officer of the U.S. who took a constituti­onal oath and then “engaged in insurrecti­on” — as Trump did after losing the 2020 election — from holding any other government office. Leading constituti­onal scholars, from right and left, have affirmed that Trump isn’t eligible.

But being ineligible hasn’t stopped Trump from running from office or from remaining on the ballot in every state, including the two states, Colorado and Maine, that ruled him ineligible. With the U.S. Supreme Court expected to decide the eligibilit­y question nationwide, and its conservati­ve majority all but certain to keep Trump on ballots, state actions have not taken effect.

Arnold, this makes it clear that you can run. Who could object without looking like a hypocrite?

The courts can’t, once they’ve blessed Trump’s unconstitu­tional run. Trump certainly can’t, given his own ineligibil­ity and his repeated

promises to “terminate” the U.S. Constituti­on itself.

The media won’t stop Trump, because they need in the race to draw audiences and keep their failing enterprise­s afloat. Democrats won’t stop him because they want to run against him — he’s the weakest Republican presidenti­al contender. And Trump’s Republican challenger­s, fearful of his deranged base, are simply too scared to challenge him aggressive­ly, even in debates when he’s not present.

You, on the other hand, have challenged him openly for years. And he hasn’t been able to lay a glove on you in response. That’s because you’re an entertaine­r even more skilled than Trump at parrying media attacks. You’re as famous as he is, but more respected. You can make Trump look small.

In entering the race, you should emphasize that Republican­s and Democrats, by keeping Trump on the ballot, have rubber-stamped the notion that voters should get to choose whomever they want as president, Constituti­on be damned. When opponents refer to that Article II requiremen­t that candidates be natural born, you should make two arguments. First: You’ve always felt American in your heart and soul — a “natural born” American, in fact. Second: If the Biden vs. Trump matchup is the best that native-born citizens can manage, then it’s high time to welcome foreign-born contenders.

But you shouldn’t just run to stop Trump. You should run to win.

In our interview this summer, you

offered huge visions of the future — for improvemen­ts in education, for the restoratio­n of people’s health, and for revamping American infrastruc­ture to realize our greatest dreams in economy, technology and environmen­t. By contrast, the tired President Biden hasn’t offered a detailed second-term agenda, much less a vision. And Trump talks endlessly about the past, about history, about grievance, about the 2020 election.

By offering your ideas, you can show the poverty of Trump and Biden’s campaigns.

“When you don’t have a vision of the future, it’s easier to look back,” you wrote in 2023. “When you don’t have a vision, today doesn’t have much meaning because you don’t know why you’re here doing what you’re doing right now, and tomorrow is downright scary.”

Now, I know that running for president is hard, and let’s face it, you’re 76 years old. But you’re still younger than Trump and Biden.

I know that running for president when the Constituti­on still says you can’t might look crazy and illegitima­te. But the recall that elected you in California was also called crazy and illegitima­te.

I know that your friends, family and co-stars won’t want you leaving them to jump into politics again.

But is anything more important than using your power to try to save our FUBAR country?

 ?? Christos Kalohoridi­s/Netflix ?? Joe Mathews has another hero role in mind for Arnold Schwarzene­gger after he’s finished with the Netflix series “FUBAR.”
Christos Kalohoridi­s/Netflix Joe Mathews has another hero role in mind for Arnold Schwarzene­gger after he’s finished with the Netflix series “FUBAR.”

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