San Francisco Chronicle

Son, 8, who beats dog needs counseling

- By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I have an 8-yearold son I love to watch sports with. He has trouble accepting a loss and expresses his dismay by beating the dog.

My son says he’ll hate me if I send him to counseling. I’m afraid if the problem isn’t controlled, it will harm his future. What can I do? Dear “Good Dad”: Stop trying to be your son’s sports buddy and be a parent. At his age, he should be able to control his anger. Children who hurt animals often go on to hurt other children. Take your son to a mental-health profession­al as soon as possible. Dear Abby: I told my mother I have been considerin­g donating my eggs because I don’t plan to have children. Mom simply stared at me in shock.

Now she brings up how she loves babysittin­g for my niece. I have never particular­ly liked children and prefer to live alone. Mom has always wanted lots of grandchild­ren, but being a wife and mother is not a goal of mine. I almost feel guilty about my decision. How do I explain this to her? Dear Childless: Whether to have children is a personal choice. It should not be dictated because a parent wants lots of grandchild­ren. Children deserve to be wanted. And women who do not want to be mothers usually make lessthan-terrific ones. If your mother raises the subject, answer her honestly, but don’t apologize. And when she mentions how much she enjoys babysittin­g your cousins and niece, say, “That’s nice!” Dear Abby: My cousin “Linda’s” beloved cat “Wookie” is dying. She sent an e-mail to our family saying she could not afford Christmas gifts because she had huge vet bills. Last week, she set up a website soliciting donations to cover her cat’s expenses. Every day since then, I have received an e-mail asking me to donate — and to ask my friends, too!

How do I politely ask her to stop bombarding me with requests? (I think it’s tacky.) Dear Cat Got Your Tongue: Don’t ask. Your cousin is trying desperatel­y to save the pet she loves, and it would hurt her already sensitive feelings. Send her a donation for Wookie, about the amount you would spend on a Christmas gift for her. And when you see her request for soliciting your friends, hit “delete” and let it go.


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