San Francisco Chronicle

Gay marriage victories toughen Vatican’s opposition


VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is digging in after same-sex marriage initiative­s scored big wins last week in the United States and Europe, pledging to never stop insisting that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

In a front-page article in Saturday’s Vatican newspaper L’Osservator­e Romano, the Holy See sought to frame itself as the lone voice of courage in opposing initiative­s to give same-sex couples legal recognitio­n. In a separate Vatican Radio editorial, the pope’s spokesman asked sarcastica­lly why same-sex marriage proponents don’t now push for legal recognitio­n for polygamous couples as well.

Catholic teaching holds that homosexual­s should be respected and treated with dignity but that homosexual acts are “intrinsica­lly disordered.” The Vatican also opposes same-sex marriage, insisting on the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman as the foundation for society.

The Vatican’s media blitz against same-sex marriage came after three U.S. states — Maine, Maryland and Washington — approved same-sex marriage by popular vote in the election that gave President Obama another four-year term; Spain upheld its same-sex marriage law; and France pushed ahead with legislatio­n that could see same-sex marriage legalized early next year.

The article insisted that Catholics were putting up a valiant fight to uphold church teaching in the face of “politicall­y correct ideologies invading every culture of the world” that are backed by institutio­ns like the United Nations, which last year passed a nonbinding resolution condemning antigay discrimina­tion.

“The church is called to present itself as the lone critic of modernity, the only check … to the breakup of the anthropolo­gical structures on which human society was founded,” it said.

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