San Francisco Chronicle

Next governor may put ‘B’ of LGBT in spotlight


“LGBT” has become a household term amid sweeping advances for gay rights, and yet the “B” sometimes seems like an awkward fit. The sudden advent of America’s first openly bisexual governor may provide a chance to ease the awkwardnes­s and broaden understand­ing of the bi community.

Kate Brown, Oregon’s secretary of state, is in line to replace Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber when he steps down Wednesday amid an ethics scandal. Brown, serving her second term after many years in the Legislatur­e, lives in Portland with her husband and two stepchildr­en and has been open throughout her political career about being bisexual.

Her progress has been followed closely by bisexual activists across the country, including Ellyn Ruthstrom, who now serves on the board of the Bisexual Resource Center in Boston after 10 years as its president.

“There are so few bi political leaders out there, so we pay attention to them,” said Ruthstrom, citing Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona as the other prominent example.

Beyond elective politics, the bi community continues to struggle to establish its appropriat­e place in the broader civil rights campaigns being waged on behalf of lesbians, gays and transgende­r people.

Within that movement, there was widespread animosity toward bisexuals a couple of decades ago, Ruthstrom said. “Now it’s not as overt, but there are still issues.”

She cited a phenomenon known as “bi-erasure” — in which bisexuals are not mentioned in speeches, press releases and news reports that refer to the LGT groups.

Ruthstrom said she and her allies have been lobbying major LGBT-rights groups to be fully inclusive of the bisexual community’s issues. “They’re missing an opportunit­y to engage,” she said, citing research indicating that bisexuals make up about half of the total LGBT population.

Gary Gates, a demographe­r at the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, estimated in 2011 that about 1.8 percent of the adult population, or a little more than 4 million Americans, identifies as bisexual — slightly more than the number identifyin­g as gay or lesbian.

However, Ruthstrom said a majority of bisexuals remain wary of disclosing their sexual orientatio­n and suffer high rates of depression. A study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention two years ago said bisexual women reported a far higher rate of rape, violence and stalking by an intimate partner than either lesbians or heterosexu­al women.

A vice president of one of the largest LGBT-rights groups, Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign said bisexuals may in some respects face greater challenges than gays and lesbians.

“To the extent that they’re out, they may well be more so the victims of scorn because they get it from both gay and straight people,” Sainz said. “Gays want them to make a choice, and straights consider them gay, so in many ways they face increased amounts of stigma and discrimina­tion.”

 ?? Don Ryan / Associated Press ?? Secretary of State Kate Brown, a bisexual next in line to be governor, signs a hand heart during a celebratio­n.
Don Ryan / Associated Press Secretary of State Kate Brown, a bisexual next in line to be governor, signs a hand heart during a celebratio­n.

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