San Francisco Chronicle

Making of movie and making of a mensch

- Open for business in San Francisco, (415) 777-8426. E-mail: lgarchik@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @leahgarchi­k

Documentar­ian Tiffany Shlain was showing her works — particular­ly her newest, “The Making of a Mensch” — at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center on Friday, Sept. 18, which she proclaimed as the second annual Character Day. The auditorium was pretty much full. Shlain talked — by herself and also in conversati­on with Michael

Krasny — about the movie, which has been shown on 6,700 screens in schools, workplaces and homes around the country. Also shown was the new-ish “The Adaptable Mind,” about the traits that lead to getting things done.

Krasny and Shlain are pals and they expressed admiration for each other. The talk was ambitious and full of goodwill, and also pretty chummy. But truthfully, I was feeling a little hard-boiled. Literally, the Yiddish word “mensch” means a “person,” but it is widely used with deeper implicatio­ns: a mensch does right, behaves in an honorable way. And I can’t quite believe what seems to be the movie’s premise, that there’s any chartable, describabl­e shortcut that could teach menschines­s, or that anyone could consciousl­y become one.

When Krasny and Shlain called for people in the theater to talk to their neighbors about the subject, I turned obediently to a tall, blond stranger on my right. Much of Shlain’s work has been about Judaism, but the woman said she had been raised Catholic. Most people think Pope Francis is a mensch, said I. And, I added, to me, mensches don’t simply behave well; they behave well even when it costs them something.

Then “The Adaptable Mind,” was shown (its second premiere, said the program). This was in praise of the qualities of someone who recognizes a problem, works on a solution and — with the help of others — effects that solution. The example presented was that of a Southern California artist who, while watching news reports of the Ebola epidemic in Africa, had noticed that patients were being treated by medical workers so suited up in protective clothing that their faces couldn’t be seen.

She began thinking of a way to reveal their faces, in order to personaliz­e their roles as healers. And she came up with a way of imprinting pictures of them on stickers to be affixed to the fronts of their protective clothing. Thus, each patient could actually see the face of the medical worker trying to help.

This idea was hatched by one person who had not only the imaginatio­n to do it, but also the perseveran­ce and force. At the end of the movie, Shlain said that the woman was in the audience. She asked her to rise ... and it was the woman next to me. Mary Beth Heffernan, artist and associate professor of art at Occidental College, got huge applause and a standing ovation.

I talked with her afterward. Her idea was hatched and discussed — including “donning and doffing” procedures for protective clothing — with docs, and supported through various grants, over a period of about 4½ months. The day after she arrived in Liberia, in February 2015, medical workers affixed the first picture stickers to the fronts of their suits, she said.

And I felt embarrasse­d to have sat there alongside a mensch and dared to talk about the definition of the word. She is living it.

Upon spotting a Starbucks kiosk in the new Target Express on Ocean Avenue, Paul Kilduff called it “the first sign of the coming zombie apocalypse. ‘We will assimilate you. Resistance is futile.’ ”

1 Struck by piercing images of desperate migrants trying to drag their families and possession­s to safety, what came to

J.G.’s mind (and ear) was Woody Guthrie. To the tune of “Deportee”: “Oh ISIS is there and Aleppo is dying/ The dates and the figs all destroyed by a bomb. ... You won’t hear your name when you face the barbed wire/ All they will call you will be ‘refugee.’ ”

Parked at Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco recently, Jim Hannah glimpsed a bicycle bearing a sticker: “AirbnLee — a Ron Conway Company.”

1 Beverlyn Jackson saw the sign upon entering Bolinas: “For fox sake, slow down!”

Today’s drought tip: Wipe condensed moisture off your parked car’s windshield, and then use the rag to ... hmm, use the rag to ... oh, I’ve got it, polish your yellow brick road.

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