San Francisco Chronicle

Amid dueling demonstrat­ions, bill filed to repeal LGBT law


RALEIGH, N.C. — While rallies circled North Carolina’s statehouse on Monday, for and against a Republican-backed law curtailing protection­s for LGBT people and limiting public bathroom access for transgende­r people, House Democrats filed a repeal bill that stands little chance of passing.

At least 18 protesters opposing the law were arrested Monday evening when they entered the office of a top legislativ­e leader to voice their opposition.

Thousands of Christian conservati­ves and other supporters of the law known as House Bill 2 gathered on a grassy mall behind the Legislativ­e Building on the opening day of the Legislatur­e to praise the mostly Republican legislator­s and GOP Gov. Pat McCrory for passing the restrictio­ns during a special session last month.

“It took great courage for them to establish this bill,” said Doug Woods, 82, of Raleigh. “They need to stand firm.”

The law blocks local and state protection­s for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r people and directs which restrooms transgende­r people can use in public buildings. Key lawmakers who pushed through the legislatio­n also urged the rally attendees to contact colleagues and urge them to fight off efforts to overturn the law.

“The battle is about to be engaged,” said state Republican Rep. Paul Stam, a veteran of North Carolina’s cultural wars.

Later Monday, hundreds of protesters took turns sitting outside the offices of House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger to demand repeal of the law. Police arrested 18 people at Moore’s office, leading them away in plastic handcuffs. They will be charged with second-degree trespassin­g, acting General Assembly Police Chief Martin Brock said. One man who had to be carried out by officers also will face a charge of resisting arrest.

Earlier Monday, people gathered on the grounds of the old Capitol building to hear speakers denounce the law. They carried boxes holding what they said were 180,000 prorepeal signatures on a petition for delivery to McCrory.

“HB2 compounds the discrimina­tion and marginaliz­ation of the transgende­r community, who already have to fight every day for their survival,” said Joaquin Carcano, a transgende­r man who’s suing over the law. “Our privacy and safety matter, too. Our right to feel safe and protected in this world does not infringe on anyone else’s right to the same.”

The head of the state NAACP, the Rev. William Barber, called the law “Hate Bill 2.”

Democratic Rep. Grier Martin of Raleigh, a sponsor of the repeal bill, said the new law has stained North Carolina’s reputation and harmed it economical­ly. Some companies have halted planned expansions because of the law, while many groups have canceled their scheduled convention­s in the state.

 ?? Chuck Liddy / Raleigh News & Observer ?? The director of Equality North Carolina, Chris Sgro (center), carries petitions against the LGBT law at the Capitol in Raleigh.
Chuck Liddy / Raleigh News & Observer The director of Equality North Carolina, Chris Sgro (center), carries petitions against the LGBT law at the Capitol in Raleigh.

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