San Francisco Chronicle

City College faculty plan strike over pay

- By Nanette Asimov

A one-day labor strike by faculty at City College of San Francisco is set for Wednesday, the first day disabled students, veterans, and other high-risk students are supposed to register for fall classes and discuss special service options with counselors.

But the 50 or so counselors needed to help those students at 15 sites around the city will instead be on the picket line — or unwilling to cross it. So the priority, in-person registrati­on for those students is canceled.

“We don’t take this lightly. But it’s gotten to the point where (the college’s) bad-faith bargaining has gotten so bad that you need to take action,” said Tim Killikelly, president of the union of 1,500 instructor­s, librarians and counselors who are demanding higher wages.

It’s the faculty who are negotiatin­g in bad faith, said interim Chancellor Susan Lamb. “We’re trying to build enrollment back, and here we have a strike on the first day of registrati­on,” she said, noting that faculty are walking off the job before a neutral fact-finding team has had a chance to evaluate the situation and make recommenda­tions — a process just getting under way.

The dispute is over salary: Faculty and administra­tors agree that full-time instructor­s at City College earn less than those at most other community colleges. A 2015 salary

survey shows that its most experience­d faculty without a doctorate earn just under $92,000 a year — less than similar instructor­s earn at 67 of California’s 72 college districts. The least-experience­d full-time faculty at City College earn $56,498 a year — less than those at 60 districts.

The faculty want a raise of 4 percent a year for three years, on top of cost-of-living increases and restoratio­n of earlier cuts. They say the college is offering only short-term bonuses, not ongoing increases.

College administra­tors say they are offering a 9 percent raise over two years, which would cost $25 million. They say the faculty’s plan would cost $35 million.

“Their proposal bankrupts the college in three years,” Lamb said.

“That’s flatly not true,” Killikelly countered, and suggested the college is hoarding money it could use for raises — 18.5 percent of City College’s budgeted expenses are being held in a reserve fund for emergencie­s, says a fiscal review released this month by the state’s independen­t Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team.

Yet the fiscal team reports that City College needs the hefty reserve because its longterm financial status is precarious. Four years ago, City College learned that its accreditat­ion was in jeopardy over problems with fiscal management, governance and student services. Although the college has repaired many of its fiscal practices, the team says, the persistent threat to its accreditat­ion has, ironically, led to financial troubles of a different kind.

Students have fled City College by the thousands. The school has hemorrhage­d at least 10,000 full-time students since 2012, costing $4,700 each. Although California has given City College millions of dollars in “stabilizat­ion” funding, the law authorizin­g that cash sunsets in 2017 and is not expected to be renewed. This year, City College got an extra $44 million. Next year it will get $25 million. Then nothing.

The college remains accredited, but the final determinat­ion is due in February. Without accreditat­ion, City College would be forced to shut down. If it survives, college officials say it could take a decade to win back students to previous levels.

College officials cite these dangers as reasons for not offering higher raises. And they’ve been cutting about 400 classes a year — 5 percent — while trying to add popular police and fire training to attract more students.

Union President Killikelly calls the approach “doom and gloom” and said administra­tors need to stop it. “None of us completely knows what will happen,” he said.

Rafael Mandelman, president of the college’s Board of Trustees, said he’s torn on the issue.

“Nobody wants a strike,” he said. “But I support the right of labor to strike. Sometimes it’s the only way they say they can be heard. But if we do something that raises our faculty salaries more aggressive­ly than what our administra­tion is recommendi­ng, then I’d have to be confident that we can pay the bills going forward.”

 ?? Liz Hafalia / The Chronicle ?? Tim Killikelly, president of the American Federation of Teachers Local 2121, teaches a course on the politics of globalizat­ion at City College of San Francisco. “We don’t take this lightly,” he says of Wednesday’s strike.
Liz Hafalia / The Chronicle Tim Killikelly, president of the American Federation of Teachers Local 2121, teaches a course on the politics of globalizat­ion at City College of San Francisco. “We don’t take this lightly,” he says of Wednesday’s strike.

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