San Francisco Chronicle

Lawmakers seek funds to ease crisis in housing

- By Melody Gutierrez

SACRAMENTO — Saying the state can’t ignore its affordable housing crisis, Democratic lawmakers on Monday announced a statewide proposal to spend more than $1.3 billion to build more units, help low-income residents buy homes and address homelessne­ss.

The money would come from unanticipa­ted revenue the state has collected this fiscal year that Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed putting toward paying down debt and building reserves.

The effort is being led by Bay Area Assembly Democrats David Chiu of San Francisco and Tony Thurmond of Richmond, who held a news conference at the Capitol on Monday along with other lawmakers who support the measure. A dozen Assembly members signed a letter urging support for the proposal, which will be taken up during budget negotiatio­ns ahead of a June 15 deadline to pass a budget.

“San Francisco, the Bay Area and California are in the midst of the worst affordabil­ity crisis that we’ve seen,” Chiu said. “Since the great recession, we’ve cut close to $2 billion a year the state used to invest in affordable housing when redevelopm­ent agencies were eliminated and housing bond monies dried up.”

Brown’s office declined to comment on the proposal. The plan calls for: $500 million in tax credits for companies that build, buy or fix multifamil­y rental housing that serves low-income families.

$200 million for the CalHome Program, which awards money to local government­s and nonprofits that help lowincome people become or remain homeowners.

$200 million for local government­s to help people buy or rent homes near their workplace in high-cost cities.

$75 million to help farmworker­s and their families with affordable housing.

$60 million in tax credits for homeowners to pay for seismic retrofits.

$260 million to build or buy rental housing for homeless people and provide rental assistance.

$40 million for shelters and housing assistance programs for homeless people.

“We’ve known for some time that we would need 150,000 new homes to keep pace with our population growth in California. Clearly, that hasn’t happened,” Thurmond said. “Market forces have expanded at such a high rate that people literally cannot afford to live where they work, and some folks can’t afford to live in any community at all.”

Lawmakers said the median rent in California has increased by more than 20 percent since 2008 at a time when median incomes dropped 8 percent. The rate of homeowners­hip in the state has dropped to 54 percent, a record low, which lawmakers said is the result of skyrocketi­ng housing prices.

Home prices in the Bay Area are now higher than before the recession, according to data by the State Board of Equalizati­on. San Francisco had the state’s highest median price for a single-family detached home: $1.25 million in 2015. The state median price was $473,995.

Renting is no easier in some parts of the state, particular­ly in the Bay Area, where prices have also soared.

“What we have found is that people can’t rent and they can’t own,” Thurmond said. This proposal “balances the needs of renters programs and some ownership.”

The proposal, however, is likely to have competitio­n from other Democratic plans that call for funding for the state’s transporta­tion needs and funds to expand subsidized child care.

The housing proposal was criticized by some Republican­s, who said the state should be making it easier for people to create housing by eliminatin­g complex requiremen­ts that delay new building.

Assemblyma­n Marc Steinorth, R-Rancho Cucamonga (San Bernardino County), said that government should be involved in helping solve homelessne­ss in the state by providing shelter and funding transition­al housing, but that the Democratic proposal goes too far by assuming one-time money is the answer to the state’s lack of affordable housing.

“The $1.3 billion as proposed is putting together a whole series of government programs as opposed to eliminatin­g government red tape and bureaucrac­y,” Steinorth said. “Communitie­s I represent want to build homes. They have many challenges and hurdles and impediment­s in front of them. We need to roll back Sacramento’s impact on them, not say come to Sacramento for us to give you more money.”

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