San Francisco Chronicle

Incoherent view


Regarding “Prop. 64: Legalizes adult recreation­al use of marijuana” (Insight, Sept. 25): In her dissenting view, countering The Chronicle’s support for Propositio­n 64, which legalizes adult recreation­al use of marijuana, chair of the Law and Legislativ­e Committee of the California Police Chiefs Associatio­n Jennifer Tejada presented conflictin­g opinions of marijuana’s effect on public health.

First, she says “I value and support the regulated use of medical marijuana and the benefits it brings to patients.” At the end of the article she asks, “...why would we add something that will further affect our public health and safety resources?” By contradict­ing each other, these statements demonstrat­e that Tejada lacks a coherent view of the effects of the passage of Prop. 64. Rocky Leplin, Richmond

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