San Francisco Chronicle

Suit over free speech restrictio­n

Legislatur­e runs afoul of First Amendment advocates

- By Laurel Rosenhall

Back before the Internet made it so easy to find a celebrity’s age, a 29-year-old actress landed the role of a 17-year-old girl — and helped propel “Beverly Hills 90210” into a hit TV show in the 1990s.

That was the story actress Gabrielle Carteris told state lawmakers last year as she lobbied for a bill to strip actors’ ages from commercial websites used in casting. Now the president of the Screen Actors Guild, Carteris said she would never have been able to land the career-making role today because of websites like that publish actors’ ages.

In response, lawmakers — sweeping aside First Amendment concerns that the government doesn’t have the right to keep anyone from publishing informatio­n such as a birth date — approved AB1687, and Gov. Jerry Brown signed it into law.

That law is now being challenged in federal court with a lawsuit that says it amounts to unconstitu­tional censorship. It’s one of a handful of policies to come out of the Democratic­controlled Legislatur­e that limit unfettered speech — some of them prompted by pressure from liberal allies such as the actors labor union and Planned Parenthood. And when the state has to defend them, taxpayers wind up footing the bill.

“The government tries to restrict speech in order to serve whatever it sees as important goals,” said Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA, one of several First Amendment scholars who signed an amicus brief supporting in its suit against the state over AB1687. “Usually free speech prevails, even against worthy government goals.”

In this case, the “worthy” goal was the Legislatur­e’s desire to shield actors from being

discrimina­ted against as they age. AB1687 author Assemblyma­n Ian Calderon, D-Whittier (Los Angeles County), said his bill does that without violating the Constituti­on.

“The Legislatur­e isn’t looking to censor anyone or anything just because we think we can,” he said. “It’s about protecting an industry that is large in this state, that is homegrown to this state, and the folks that work within it.”

A different case Volokh litigated last year, on behalf of a gun rights group called the Firearms Policy Coalition, challenged the Assembly’s long-standing rule that prohibits rebroadcas­ting public video footage of its proceeding­s “for any political or commercial purpose.” The firearms group wanted to use government video clips in political ads and argued that the prohibitio­n infringed on its right to free speech.

The Legislatur­e defended the rule, saying it was meant to keep lawmakers from grandstand­ing. A federal court judge ripped that argument apart in a sharply worded injunction that said the Assembly’s rule violated the First Amendment.

“One person’s ‘grandstand­ing’ is another’s ‘passionate debate.’ In other words, ‘grandstand­ing’ is simply ‘speech’ by another name,” said U.S. District Judge Morrison England. “The state’s interest in preventing such speech is far from compelling.”

The Legislatur­e then passed a new law repealing the prohibitio­n on rebroadcas­ting public video footage.

First Amendment concerns were also raised last year as the Legislatur­e debated a bill inspired by the revelation of secretly recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood executive. State law already forbids secret recordings; the bill made it an additional crime to distribute a “confidenti­al communicat­ion with a health care provider.”

Lobbyists for the news media feared the bill would inhibit a free press. Publishers and other First Amendment advocates successful­ly lobbied for amendments that prevent news organizati­ons from being prosecuted for distributi­ng undercover videos they did not record.

Still, legislativ­e staffers flagged the potential for a lawsuit in their analysis of the bill, writing that there could be “potentiall­y significan­t future costs for litigation … to the extent the provisions of this measure face constituti­onal challenges under the First Amendment.” Nonetheles­s, the bill was approved and signed into law in September.

It’s impossible to know exactly how much First Amendment legal challenges cost the state, because they are handled by the attorney general’s office as part of its overall case load. Free speech advocates in Sacramento expect debates to continue as the media landscape shifts with the evolution of technology.

“The Internet is a Wild West of free speech issues,” said Nikki Moore, a lawyer for the California Newspaper Publishers Associatio­n. “I don’t expect this to be a dying trend.”

Case in point: Democratic lawmakers have already proposed two new bills inspired by the “fake news” phenomenon that emerged during presidenti­al campaign. The bills, AB155 and SB135, call on education officials to craft lessons teaching students to discern which online news stories are trustworth­y.

Free speech advocates will be watching to see if Democrats’ response to the latest liberal cause celebre escalates into a constituti­onal violation.

 ?? Paul Chinn / The Chronicle 2016 ?? Actress Gabrielle Carteris lobbied for a bill to strip actors’ ages from websites used in casting.
Paul Chinn / The Chronicle 2016 Actress Gabrielle Carteris lobbied for a bill to strip actors’ ages from websites used in casting.

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