San Francisco Chronicle

Leave the vanity plates alone


Regarding “Battling bumper bigotry: DMV fights ugly messages on the road” (April 12): The Chronicle’s editoriali­zing with that headline, and starting the piece talking about “white nationalis­m” misses the mark totally. This is just the kind of nanny-state, identity-politics-drenched faux “progressiv­ism” that undermines the democratic left in the U.S. and gives President Trump and the Republican­s so much of their appeal.

People shouldn’t be able to say “PEPE” on their license plates? Talk about the growing problem of dementia in California. The large majority of us could not identify why in the world more than one or two of the eight examples of “offensive” plates cited were condemned as such. Operating like so much of California’s state government — to waste money and over-control (rather than serve) people — the Department of Motor Vehicles actually set up a committee to find something wrong with as many potential plates as possible and then tell us what we can’t express. This is America? Please, no. This shouldn’t even be California.

Steve Koppman, Oakland

Tower design

Regarding “S.F. towers intriguing to top architect” (April 12): The design of Salesforce Tower is neither tasteful nor tame, polite nor appropriat­e. Likely, the only store that will sell tourist-sized replicas of the building is Good Vibrations. On second thought, for San Francisco, the design is perfectly appropriat­e.

Richard Kurylo, San Francisco

Full spectrum

Regarding “Respect life? Then protect EPA” (Open Forum, April 12): Scott Gilbert makes a valid point about having a healthy, unpolluted environmen­t for fetal developmen­t to occur as healthily as possible; however, he missed a crucial point regarding reproducti­ve and public health. He states that the greatest number of abortions (assuming he is referring to miscarriag­es/ spontaneou­s abortion) is due to pollution. As a practicing OB/GYN and abortion provider, I respectful­ly point out that he leaves out the fact that approximat­ely 1 million women choose to end their pregnancie­s for any number of reasons including fetal anomalies, social concerns, financial concerns, environmen­tal concerns and her own health reasons. Concerns over being a better parent for their existing children is a reason commonly cited by women seeking abortion.

They want to better the lives of the children they have. I agree with Gilbert that the current administra­tion should absolutely move to protect the Environmen­tal Protection Agency to ensure clean air to breathe and clean water to drink for healthy pregnancie­s and better outcomes. It is also vital that access to the full spectrum of reproducti­ve options including abortion, is defended.

Jennifer Hsia, Walnut Creek

Ignore Coulter

Regarding “UC Republican­s test limits again” (April 13): UC’s logic that “It’s good for business” (to invite outrageous speakers) is impeccable. It’s akin to the old advertisin­g trope of the clown suit. Wear a clown suit, get attention. Well, duh. The speaker in question, now, is a flawless representa­tion of the intellectu­al clown, but with a cruel, angry edge, narcissist­ic to the point of pathologic­al. The only appropriat­e response to such behavior is to ignore it.

John Joss, Los Altos

Real contradict­ion

There’s an inherent contradict­ion in what the men you quoted had to say. On one hand, Pranav Jandhyala says he wants a place where political adversarie­s can discuss issues in an environmen­t that is respectful and solutions-based. On the other hand, Nahweed Tahmas admits he wants more provocativ­e speakers. And certainly, Ann Coulter is an arch-provocateu­r, not so much a conservati­ve as a right-wing insult entertaine­r who describes herself as “mean-spirited and bigoted.”

If campus Republican­s want respectful, solutions-based speakers, they will disinvite Coulter. But if they go ahead, and there’s more violent protest, Tahmas and his friends will have only themselves to blame for inciting it.

Steve Heimoff, Oakland

Celebrate diversity

Regarding “Emoji may create a more diverse picture” (April 13): If emoji are to become more inclusive, they ought to go beyond representi­ng nongender preference­s and ethnicitie­s.

People also differ by shape, size and age. The Internet is not only used by young, fit, good-looking and able-bodied individual­s. Emoji should also reflect that fact. By celebratin­g our difference­s, emoji can let us see that humanity’s strength lies in its diversity.

Takeshi Hashimoto, Redwood City

Lost character

When I see the new Salesforce Tower reaching halfway to the stars while simultaneo­usly seeing more and more tent camps sprout up around the city, I can’t help but think of that wise sage of a jazz man, the late-great Mose Allison: “You know this world is just one big trouble spot. Cause some have plenty and some have not.”

The tech barons are robbing San Francisco of its character and charm. Mayor Ed Lee’s San Francisco is a life out of balance. Ted Leyhe, Piedmont

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