San Francisco Chronicle

Mind games

- By Michael Berry

Is it possible for a near-future cyberthril­ler to feel old-fashioned? “Void Star,” the new science fiction novel by Berkeley writer Zachary Mason, reads like something William Gibson might have concocted in the ’90s, a far-ranging, globe-trotting tale of memory, mortality and artificial intelligen­ce.

Gibson’s “Neuromance­r” boasts one of science fiction’s most famous first lines: “The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” The beginning of “Void Star” seems to echo that opening image, as Irina Sundren, an expert in interfacin­g with inscrutabl­e AIs, flies in a dream toward San Francisco Internatio­nal Airport in a time ravaged by climate change: “Below her are the lights of the valley, like burning jewels on a dark tide.”

Perhaps not as evocative an opening as Gibson’s, but vivid enough to induce a feeling of nostalgia with readers of a certain age and cultural sensibilit­y.

Thanks to the memory implant in her brain, Irina knows how to interact with the superpower­ful artificial intelligen­ces created by the high-tech honchos of Silicon Valley. Serving clients with vast wealth at their disposal, Irina works to earn enough to journey to the Mayo Clinic each year. She goes for longevity treatments with a sky-high price tag, a regimen that will all be for naught if interrupte­d even once due to lack of cash.

While in the Bay Area, Irina meets with

James Cromwell, founder of Water and Power Capital Management LLC, “an innovator in AI-driven resource arbitrage and medical engineerin­g.” One of W&P’s AIs is being inexplicab­ly balky, and Cromwell wants Irina’s assistance in finding out why. Irina wants Cromwell’s business, but she does not trust him, — with good reason, as it turns out. After a possible kidnapping attempt, Irina focuses on the meaning of the image of a laptop screen she saw reflected in her potential employer’s eyeglasses.

A second plot thread in “Void Star” follows Kern, a young thief and a killer for hire, one who maintains a monkish existence practicing martial arts in the drone-built slum that has accreted around San Francisco’s periphery. When he steals the wrong phone from the wrong victim, Kern exposes himself to danger of an entirely different order of magnitude.

A young woman speaks to him through the purloined device, claiming that she has been kidnapped and imprisoned in a Los Angeles basement. She begs Kern to leave town immediatel­y and save her. Marked for death by the owners of the phone, Kern heads south with a new passport and a pocket full of cash.

The third member of the narrative triangle is also based in Los Angeles. The survivor of the attack in which his politician father was assassinat­ed, Brazil-born Thales, now crippled but outfitted with a memory chip that keeps him alive, finds himself unable to remember much of what happened before the installati­on of the implant. During a visit to a medical clinic to have his implant fine-tuned, Thales is shown video clips from Irina’s visit to Cromwell at Water & Power.

Gradually, the three plots converge into one narrative as Irina, Kern and Thales are pushed by mysterious forces toward a reckoning with Cromwell. The motley trio will face violence, treachery and the possibilit­y of physical transcende­nce.

A computer scientist who works in the South Bay, Mason made his literary debut with “The Lost Books of the Odyssey,” a postmodern re-imagining of Homer. With “Void Star,” Mason proves that he is also adept at building a credible near-future, choreograp­hing three-part edge-of-yourseat plotting and emulating the mirror-shades-at-midnight cool of onetime cyberpunks such as Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Neal Stephenson and Pat Cadigan.

Much of the fun comes in the small details and throwaway lines, as when super-fit Kern is told he looks like he “live[s] on protein and Zen Buddhism” or when memoryenha­nced Irina says, “Proust’s madeleines have got nothing on me. It’s madeleines all the way down.”

Lots of scenes are set in transit, with characters riding in driverless cars, maneuverin­g streets with weaponized drones overhead or wending their way through airports. The different locales offer intriguing glimpses of reimagined cultures and extrapolat­ed technology, as well as a metaphor for psychologi­cal dislocatio­n. Some readers may wish that the characters would just land somewhere for a while. (True to its forebears, there are, of course, scenes set in Japan.)

Mason understand­s the propulsive appeal of cyberpunk, the opportunit­ies it affords for mind-bending plot twists, serious philosophi­cal speculatio­n and arch social commentary. Gibson has said many times that he knew nothing about how computers work when he conceived his first novel. Mason, in contrast, has 30 years of technologi­cal progress and his own academic background to rely on in writing convincing­ly about how artificial intelligen­ces might actually operate a few decades hence.

The novel’s title is apparently an allusion to “an oddly hopeful reference to an archaic programmin­g language in which void star was a reference to a thing of mutable kind, which spoke to the coders of the chance for metamorpho­sis.”

It is that quest for metamorpho­sis that makes “Void Star” more than just a carefully constructe­d homage to a oncehip subgenre. The reader comes to care about Irina, Thales and Kern as they struggle for survival and perhaps something beyond life and death. The narrative has an usually long denouement, but it is satisfying to learn what ultimately happens to these characters.

“Void Star” treats the best aspects of cyberpunk with respect and imaginatio­n and adds its own fresh speculatio­ns about AIs and other digital marvels. Mason is clearly a versatile talent, and his second novel may be a harbinger of even more ambitious work to come.

 ?? Kai Parviainen ?? Zachary Mason
Kai Parviainen Zachary Mason
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