San Francisco Chronicle

Delta, BofA not praising Caesar


The knives are out for an edgy new production of “Julius Caesar” that’s cutting a little too close to home for some fans of the White House.

Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled their sponsorshi­p of the New York Public Theater’s version of “Julius Caesar” that portrays a Donald Trump-like dictator in a business suit with a long tie who gets knifed to death onstage.

The Public refused to back down on Monday, saying that it stands “completely behind” the production. It noted that its staging has “provoked heated discussion” but that “such discussion is exactly the goal of our civically engaged theater; this discourse is the basis of a healthy democracy.”

Other defenders included Scott Stringer, the New York City comptrolle­r, who sarcastica­lly tweeted to both Delta and Band of America: “What a mistake. Actually reading Julius Caesar might help in the future. Your copy is in the mail.”

This modern-day Caesar’s violent death at the hands of conspirato­rs comes not long after comedian Kathy Griffin was widely condemned for posing for a photograph in which she gripped a bloodied rendering of Trump’s head.

Though the Public’s version of William Shakespear­e’s classic play is unchanged from its 400-year-old original, the production portrays Caesar with a gold bathtub and a pouty Slavic wife. Trump’s name is never mentioned but backlash was swift.

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