San Francisco Chronicle

Strategizi­ng Around Digital Transforma­tion


Digital transforma­tion leader Ragu Gurumurthy talks about the impact of innovative technologi­es on companies. What does the term “digital transforma­tion” mean for businesses in 2017?

The forces of digital change are redefining expectatio­ns for how work is done and how value is created or captured in every industry. Digital transforma­tion means taking full advantage of the opportunit­ies created by digital technologi­es to continuous­ly reassess, reimagine and — where appropriat­e — reinvent all aspects of a business: what it offers, how it delivers and how it operates. It also means embracing new ways of collaborat­ing and engaging with all of your stakeholde­rs, including customers, suppliers, regulators, prospectiv­e hires and employees. This is all enabled by technology, but it’s not primarily about technology. It’s about being nimble in the face of rapid change and capturing more value in new ways.

How can businesses empower employees to embrace digital transforma­tion?

This is easier for some employees than others. Younger employees tend to want to work for digital organizati­ons, for instance. Some employees may not be comfortabl­e with digital workstyles. Leaders should communicat­e vividly about the strategy, the goals and the progress being made. They should give their people the training they need, recognizin­g that in this era of rapid change, continuous learning is essential. They should create incentives to try new things. You have to encourage and tolerate an appropriat­e level of risk taking. Employees should know that some level of failure is acceptable. But with this freedom comes an obligation to learn from failures, and to move on quickly.

 ??  ?? Ragu Gurumurthy Chief Innovation Officer, Deloitte
Ragu Gurumurthy Chief Innovation Officer, Deloitte

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