San Francisco Chronicle

Not impressed by ‘Better Deal’


Regarding “Dems unveil a ‘Better Deal’ to lure voters” ( July 25): Better Deal? Is that the best the Dems can do? Sounds like “New and Improved” on a box of laundry detergent.

Would you shop at a store named “Better Buy”? Someone at the Democratic National Committee needs to hire a decent marketing consultant who understand­s how to connect with and motivate their target audience. The Republican­s seem to have a natural talent for rallying around slogans. Democrats, for a starter: “Stand for Democracy, Resist Fascism.”

Roger Drosd, San Francisco

Vegan solution

Thank you for the thoughtful­ly written article. In it, Tara Duggan notes: “A common criticism of the vegan movement is that it puts resources toward alleviatin­g animal suffering when so many humans need help.” Because the article did not include a response from a vegan representa­tive, allow me to offer one: To be sure, there is widespread suffering of both human and non-human animals, and all deserve help.

What vegans understand is that all beings on the planet are connected, that violence is violence, whether inflicted on human or non-human animals, and that spreading kindness helps all of the Earth’s inhabitant­s. At its core, veganism is a conviction to living nonviolent­ly. Vegans rescuing animals and advocating for veganism is not the problem; it’s the solution. Catherine Gore, West Newbury, Mass.

Expensive problem

Regarding “Proceed with what?” (Editorial, July 25), “The Dream Act is what really divides families” (Ruben Navarrette Jr., July 25) and “Mobilizing for a century of dislocatio­n” (Open Forum, July 25): The editorial/opinion page was quite depressing when read as a whole.

First, there was “Proceed with what?” which was about the health care mess. But really it was about a bunch of corporate-owned, privileged, old white men who don’t see health care as a human right, but only as a profit-driven business. Ruben Navarrette Jr.’s piece was basically about deporting families or part of families back to a Third World country, which their parents fled because of extreme poverty, hardship and crime.

“Mobilizing for a century of dislocatio­n” really sums up all the others. It is about the global mass migration of refugees fleeing their countries because of war or persecutio­n with no letup in sight. Then we’re asked to donate food and clothing. Are you kidding me?

These problems will take billions if not trillions of dollars to solve, and all the evidence points to the fact that corporate America is not in the least bit interested in paying for any of these problems. They just want lower taxes now and to hell with mankind.

Ellen Gust, Palo Alto

Dems history

Regarding “Dems unveil a ‘Better Deal’ to lure voters” ( July 25): Rather than coming up with a catchphras­e like “Better Deal” to address its commitment to the needs of working-class men and women in America, why can’t the Democrats also remind voters of their political legacy?

The Democratic Party gave this country the New Deal, which provided citizens with safety nets like Social Security and created jobs through government programs like the Public Works Administra­tion.

It also championed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawing discrimina­tion based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Democrats can draw on its proud history of being the party of equal rights and diversity, and of caring for all citizens — not just the top 1 percent — as it strategize­s how to win next year’s midterm elections.

Carolyn Crawford, San Francisco

No absolute truth

I read “S.F. may banish antifire products” ( July 25) with interest about banning fire-retardant fabric in San Francisco. This is a prime example of how “absolute truth” can change over time. I remember when it became illegal to sell children’s pajamas without fire retardant (because of a few highly publicized fire deaths).

There were even large signs in fabric stores implying that parents who made such pajamas at home were guilty of a crime. At age 72, I can give you probably a dozen similar examples of where the convention­al wisdom has changed significan­tly over the past 50 years. The moral of the story: Don’t believe everything you think.

Richard Stenquist, Kensington

Animal misery

Regarding “Veganism’s next goal: animal-free farming” ( July 23): This reader would like to thank Tara Duggan for enlighteni­ng other citizens about the concerns any ethical and compassion­ate humanitari­an would have on learning of the very dark side of animal agricultur­e.

On witnessing videos of the suffering and misery of housing/confinemen­ts/slaughter methods of sentient animals and finding the realities too horrendous to contemplat­e, I immediatel­y swore that I would eschew all animal flesh and did. There are so many wonderful nutritiona­l alternativ­es that to consume animals is repugnant to me and I have lived a happy, healthy life for the last 25 years as a vegetarian/vegan. Those values are mine though many are regrettabl­y indifferen­t!

Elaine Livesy-Fassel, Los Angeles

Fight fascists

This country used to fight fascists, not cheer them on. As a proud Eagle Scout from Troop 121 in Santa Rosa, I am repulsed by my country’s president. He is the anti-role model; the manifestat­ion of the worst human traits: hubris, sociopathy, narcissism, greed and lack of curiosity and empathy. His speech at the yearly Boy Scout Jamboree reminded me of the indoctrina­tion of Hitler Youth, not so long ago. The scout’s law is: “A scout is: trustworth­y, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” This man meets zero out of the twelve. And the emperor has no clothes. Joey Smith, Santa Rosa

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