San Francisco Chronicle

Eradicatin­g litter, continued


Last Sunday’s column about the push to eradicate litter from parks drew a lot of support and many ideas from readers. If you missed it, it is archived at www.sfchronicl­ A capsule summary of suggestion­s: Engage the mission at entrance kiosks, provide a free trash bag, ban cigarettes with filters, post logos, repeat the message, require all employees to join in, eject violators from parks. Readers had the following additional suggestion­s: Reward, Part 1: “How about offering a ‘trash bounty,’ such as an entrance fee rebate, for anyone who fills a larger bag with trash.” — Mark Dwight Reward, Part 2: “Seek corporate sponsors to help incentiviz­e people to clean up. Perhaps having rangers roam around to reward the people (who pick up) with a gift card from Business X might help to boost this movement.” — Michael J. Vandierdon­ck Speak up: “When you see someone littering, speak up.” — John Kelly Part of culture: “If we make picking up litter part of our culture, it will work.” — Jim Musselman Pass a test: “Visitors should pass a test before admission to the park.” — Bill Cutler Always carry a bag: “My two retired outdoor buddies and I have taken up cleaning the local reservoirs from our kayaks.” — Bill Fitch Strategic locations: “There should be trash containers at the vista points” where people tend to collect in groups. — Patricia Donnelly Belt containers: “We need to do something about the cigarette butts. We have to get (smokers) packing their butts in a nice metallic container. As it is, I think they do not realize there is a good alternativ­e to discarding them, and they just don’t see it as litter.” — Tom Haley No balloons: “The hills are littered with the balloons that people release.” — Roy Towers Disposal: “More refuse cans are needed (and need to be emptied when full) to go along with the free trash bag handout.” — Karen Kannegaard Parents’ examples: “Litter is a mind-set. It begins with kids watching adults doing it.” — Dan Matarozzi

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