San Francisco Chronicle

Support for basic research

New fellowship aims to change how science is funded

- By Eric and Wendy Schmidt

The next frontiers of scientific discovery will be pioneered by researcher­s who have the inspiratio­n and ability to transcend the traditiona­l boundaries of science. We need new interdisci­plinary thinkers, people with the capacity to cut across multiple fields to tackle the types of challenges that will define the next century — from confrontin­g climate change, to mitigating global epidemics, to delivering clean food and clean water to people everywhere.

Unfortunat­ely, the way that much scientific research is conducted and funded today works against the kinds of collaborat­ive interdisci­plinary study that will underpin this new era of discovery.

There is a kind of market failure in how we support early-stage scientists, driven by a preference for work that is already establishe­d, safe and easy to categorize. And we underinves­t in the next generation of researcher­s, who are often best positioned to undertake interdisci­plinary research into fundamenta­l systems, and who need to build leadership skills to collaborat­e and take research beyond the laboratory.

Think of the successful effort to sequence the human genome. Major contributi­ons were needed from biology and genetics. But for the effort to succeed, expertise was needed from across engineerin­g, mathematic­s and computer science as well. The difficulty of the problem made everyone involved push the limits of their own fields and pioneer new ones. Those involved applied their leadership skills and fresh thoughts to areas of sciences that were entirely new to them.

Sadly, this type of effort is the exception rather than the rule. How come?

1) Research that doesn’t have an immediatel­y obvious practical applicatio­n or publishabl­e result is risky. Private industry funds the majority of research and developmen­t today, but businesses tend not to pursue the critical work of basic research because there may be no clear commercial outcomes. Rather, much of the most important scientific research is enabled by government agencies and universiti­es, and forms the basis for ideas that ultimately ripple out to industry and beyond.

2) Scientists are pressured to specialize. Most grants, fellowship­s and professors­hips are earmarked for specific fields, and tightly defined projects feel safer to grant makers. But selecting for focused activity runs contrary to enabling the interdisci­plinary thinking that can drive breakthrou­gh innovation­s. At the same time, we do not generally give scientists the training needed to be leaders of major institutio­ns, because our model is aimed at encouragin­g them to innovate in their current fields.

3) We tend to place big funding bets on people with track records. Scientists must regularly and frequently apply for grants, and as research has become costlier (think how much more it takes to equip a lab today than it did 50 years ago), grant makers have become increasing­ly conservati­ve and reduced risk on their investment­s.

Individual­ly, these are rational decisions. But taken together, they carry a heavy cost. We should be encouragin­g lateral thinking. We should set aside some risk capital to fund uncertain but potentiall­y rewarding basic research. We should ensure that we are training researcher­s to lead the institutio­ns that will take on systemic challenges.

That is why we have decided to create the Schmidt Science Fellows. In partnershi­p with the Rhodes Trust, home of the Rhodes Scholarshi­ps, this program is designed to address market failures around basic research, interdisci­plinary thinking, support for up-and-coming scientists, and leadership training.

The first class of the Schmidt Science Fellows will welcome around 15 exceptiona­l postdoctor­al scholars in the natural sciences, engineerin­g, mathematic­s and computing, beginning in the fall of 2018. These fellows will receive support to undertake cutting-edge research in an area other than their main field of study: a physicist might work on artificial intelligen­ce, a mathematic­ian on cybersecur­ity, a biomechani­cal engineer on genomics. The fellows will also participat­e in five weeks of immersive teaching at some of the world’s leading academic institutio­ns, helping them develop the skills necessary to become future scientific leaders.

The program will grow over time, welcoming more fellows and building a community of future leaders. Through our initial commitment of $25 million for the first three years, this initiative is a first step in a broader $100 million effort to spur scientific leadership and drive interdisci­plinary breakthrou­ghs that will truly matter.

We want to help younger scientists by committing to them earlier, encouragin­g their creativity, broadening their scientific horizons, and enabling them to engage with bigger questions of policy and purpose. If we as individual­s and groups are to flourish, we need the best people doing the most groundbrea­king work, in the most inspired way. We look forward to seeing what they accomplish and the ways their work will stimulate new approaches to old problems.

Eric Schmidt is the executive chairman of Alphabet Inc. Wendy Schmidt is the president of the Schmidt Family Foundation and co-founder of the Schmidt Ocean Institute.

 ?? Stephen Crowley / New York Times 2016 ?? Eric Schmidt (right), Alphabet’s chairman, and his wife are funding the new fellowship for interdisci­plinary research.
Stephen Crowley / New York Times 2016 Eric Schmidt (right), Alphabet’s chairman, and his wife are funding the new fellowship for interdisci­plinary research.

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