San Francisco Chronicle

Health care access is much too important for sloganeeri­ng


Sunday’s initial quasi-debate among the four declared Democratic candidates for governor strongly indicated that access to medical care might be a dominant campaign issue.

However, it also strongly indicated that voters likely will see more sloganeeri­ng on the issue than reality-based prescripti­ons.

That would be unfortunat­e, because it’s an issue that potentiall­y affects not only the well-being of 39 million California­ns but also is the state’s largest single economic activity.

An exhaustive study by UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research, released last year, found that health care is a $367 billion per year California industry, with 71 percent paid by local, state and federal government­s and the remainder by employers and/or individual consumers.

The feds are picking up half of the state’s medical bills, primarily through Medi-Cal, which covers 14 million lowincome California­ns, Medicare for the over-65 set and benefits to military and civil-service retirees.

Although Medi-Cal underwent a major expansion through the Affordable Care Act, known popularly as Obamacare, it’s estimated that about 3 million California­ns, most of them undocument­ed immigrants, still lack coverage and depend on private and public charity for care.

Covering them would add about $33 billion to the annual cost, bringing it to an estimated $400 billion — more than twice the state budget and the core of the debate.

All four candidates endorsed expansion of coverage, but they also used two terms — “single-payer coverage” and “universal coverage” — that aren’t necessaril­y synonymous.

The former means that one new state agency would control the system, as proposed in Senate Bill 562, which cleared the state Senate this year only to be stalled in the Assembly by Speaker Anthony Rendon. He refused to consider anything that lacked financing and took heavy fire from advocates in the left wing of his party.

The alternativ­e term, “universal coverage,” implies that we could leave the present system, a combinatio­n of public and private programs, in place and simply add enough money for those lacking coverage.

The leading Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, endorsed the single-payer approach, saying — erroneousl­y —“the money exists in the system.” But the man polling second, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa, backed Rendon’s position, referring to promises without financing as “snake oil” and adding, “The fact of the matter is we don’t have a plan yet.”

Rendon and Villaraigo­sa are absolutely correct about SB562’s many shortcomin­gs. It assumes that the feds would be willing to lump all of the health care money they’re spending in California, nearly $200 billion a year, and give it to a new state entity. State and local government­s presumably would do the same but, according to a legislativ­e analysis of the measure, even if they did, it still would require $200 billion “in additional tax revenues to pay for the remainder.”

That’s no small amount. The analysis says it would equate to a 15 percent additional tax on all “earned income,” although the bite would be offset in some measure by eliminatin­g costs now borne by employers and consumers.

Furthermor­e, getting the feds to cooperate would be immensely difficult, and not only because Republican­s now control Washington. Government employees and retirees probably would not be willing to merge their benefits into a state-run program.

If the basic, although unstated, goal of advocates is to cover undocument­ed immigrants and California really wants that, there’s no need to mask it in a dicey, probably unworkable, “single-payer” system. They could clearly say what they want, propose the taxes to do it and let the chips fall where they may.

Dan Walters is a columnist for CALmatters, a public-interest journalism venture committed to explaining how California’s state Capitol works and why it matters. For more stories by Dan Walters, go to

 ?? Michael Macor / The Chronicle ?? Gubernator­ial candidate Antonio Villaraigo­sa, shown at the City Club of San Francisco, does not support SB 562..
Michael Macor / The Chronicle Gubernator­ial candidate Antonio Villaraigo­sa, shown at the City Club of San Francisco, does not support SB 562..

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