San Francisco Chronicle

Judge 2nd to block contracept­ive rules

Oakland injunction cites White House’s lack of notice

- By Bob Egelko

A Bay Area federal judge barred the Trump administra­tion on Thursday from authorizin­g employers to deny birth control coverage to women for religious or moral reasons, saying the government abruptly imposed the sweeping changes in October with no public notice or input.

The new contracept­ive rules

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam of Oakland

had already been halted last Friday by a federal judge in Philadelph­ia in a ruling the administra­tion plans to appeal. In issuing his own nationwide injunction, U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam of Oakland cited the potentiall­y profound impact on women who had gained access to contracept­ive care, without charge, in the health insurance law championed by President Barack Obama.

“For a substantia­l number of women, (the administra­tion’s orders) transform contracept­ive coverage from a legal entitlemen­t to an essentiall­y gratuitous benefit wholly subject to their employer’s discretion,” Gilliam said in response to a lawsuit by California, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Virginia.

The Obama administra­tion exempted religious institutio­ns from the contracept­ive-coverage requiremen­ts — an exemption the Supreme Court broadened in 2014 to include closely held corporatio­ns whose owners had religious objections to birth control — but female employees could still receive coverage subsidized by their employers’ insurers or the government.

By contrast, the rules an-

The new rules “transform contracept­ive coverage from a legal entitlemen­t to an essentiall­y gratuitous benefit wholly subject to their employer’s discretion.”

nounced by the Trump administra­tion on Oct. 6 allowed any private employer to withhold contracept­ive coverage for religious reasons, and gave many types of companies the option of denying coverage for moral reasons. The new rules also allowed employers to prevent insurance subsidies, leaving the women without coverage.

“Almost any employer in the country could obtain a religious exemption or a virtually undefined moral exemption,” said attorney Janie Schulman, who filed arguments on behalf of the American Associatio­n of University Women and other women’s groups and labor unions. “A company could claim that it morally believes women shouldn’t use birth control or women don’t belong in the workplace.”

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said the ruling reaffirmed that “a woman, not her boss and certainly not a politician, should decide what’s best for her own health care.”

The Justice Department disagreed with the ruling and is evaluating its next steps, said spokeswoma­n Lauren Ehrsam.

“This administra­tion is committed to defending the religious liberty of all Americans and we look forward to doing so in court,” she said.

Like last week’s decision in a lawsuit by the state of Pennsylvan­ia, Gilliam’s ruling focused on the relatively narrow issue of whether the Trump administra­tion had complied with the laws governing executive orders that affect members of the public. One law requires the government to publish its proposed rules in advance and invite public comment before making a final decision.

In this case, the administra­tion argued that advance notice and comment would be “contrary to the public interest.” Administra­tion officials said the issue had already been debated at length, citing the hundreds of thousands of public comments on contracept­ion submitted during the Obama administra­tion, and argued that delaying the change would be unfair to employers whose rights were at stake.

Gilliam disagreed. Except in narrow circumstan­ces, he said, the law entitles the public to comment on proposed rules such as these that could affect their lives, enabling government agencies to “proceed in a fully informed manner, exploring alternativ­e, less harmful approaches.”

The states, acting on behalf of their residents, “face potentiall­y dire public health and fiscal consequenc­es as a result of a process as to which they had no input,” said the judge, an Obama appointee.

And although Gilliam did not rule on the administra­tion’s argument that its changes were necessary to protect religious freedom, he noted that the Obama administra­tion’s rules had been challenged on religious grounds in nine federal appeals courts since 2014.

Eight of those courts were “likely correct” in finding that those rules, with narrow religious exemptions and continuing contracept­ive coverage, did not violate religious freedom, Gilliam said.

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