San Francisco Chronicle

Nunes’ vicious, vapid memo


California Rep. Devin Nunes’ much-vaunted memo is the political equivalent of a shaggy-dog story, in which endless testimonia­ls to an unseen canine’s superlativ­e shagginess end with the disappoint­ing presentati­on of an animal that is, after all, not so shaggy.

Based on classified informatio­n available to Nunes’ Intelligen­ce Committee, the memo was said to reveal excesses “worse than Watergate” — which is perhaps what would be required to distract from the Nixonian echoes of President Trump’s standoff with federal authoritie­s. Now that it’s been released, however, the scandal is not in the memo’s anticlimac­tic contents but in the nakedly partisan attempt by Republican lawmakers and Trump to undermine law enforcemen­t in a desperate bid to protect their power.

The memo seeks to raise questions about the investigat­ion of the Trump campaign’s relationsh­ip with Russia by focusing on the FBI and Justice Department’s classified applicatio­ns for Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Court permission to monitor a former Trump adviser, Carter Page. The memo points out that officials relied partly on a dossier compiled by a former British intelligen­ce official, Christophe­r Steele, who was conducting research that, unbeknowns­t to the court, was surreptiti­ously paid for by Hillary Clinton’s presidenti­al campaign and the Democratic National Committee. From this shadow of a doubt, the document strives mightily to discredit the entire investigat­ion and the ranking officials of both parties who oversaw it.

It’s worth noting that Steele is widely regarded as a credible profession­al who (as the memo notes) had been consulted by the FBI before, and that he was hired by a firm that had been conducting the same opposition research for Republican­s. But even if one accepts the contention that Steele was tainted and unreliable, the memo does not detail the rest of the informatio­n federal officials relied upon, some of which might have arisen from the FBI’s investigat­ion of Page’s Russian ties well before he worked for Trump. It’s clear that there is more to the story, given the objections of Intelligen­ce Committee Democrats led by California Rep. Adam Schiff, whose competing memo has been bottled up, and, more remarkably, the FBI, now led by a Republican Trump personally chose, Christophe­r Wray.

Nor is it clear that Page is in any way integral to the investigat­ion, which (as the memo also notes) started months earlier as a result of informatio­n about another Trump adviser, George Papadopoul­os. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team has not accused Page of any wrongdoing, but it has obtained guilty pleas from Papadopoul­os and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, as well as an indictment of his former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

What is disturbing about the memo, as Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain noted, is its escalation of the dishonest and corrosive campaign to undermine the investigat­ion and the institutio­ns behind it. Among the officials it disparages is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, also a Republican promoted by Trump, who appointed and supervises the special counsel. There is little doubt that Mueller and his investigat­ion are the memo’s ultimate targets, but if McCain is not Congress’ last courageous Republican, it should backfire badly.

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