San Francisco Chronicle

Teacher strike may signal future of organized labor

- By Jess Bidgood and Campbell Robertson Jess Bidgood and Campbell Robertson are New York Times writers.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Heather DeLuca-Nestor, a county teachers’ associatio­n leader, was driving back to Morgantown, W.Va., from the state capital on Feb. 28 hoping that she and other teachers were about to return to work. The governor had promised 5 percent pay raises to settle a statewide strike, and union leaders had agreed.

But as she made the winding drive, she said, her phone exploded with angry calls: “What are we doing?” ‘‘We can’t go back to school.” “Our union sold us out!”

That evening, many of the 150 teachers who had gathered in a deserted shopping mall told her in impassione­d terms that promises and handshakes in the Capitol were not good enough. No matter what union leaders said, they were staying out until they had what they wanted, and in writing.

DeLuca-Nestor, president of the Monongalia County Education Associatio­n, walked away in tears to phone the county superinten­dent. “I had to ask him to turn around and call school off,” she said.

It was a crucial turning point. With no collective bargaining rights, no contract, and no legal right to strike, the teachers had managed to mount a statewide work stoppage anyway, and make their demands heard, marshal public support, and stick together until they won. And the rank and file, not union leaders, came to call the shots.

Experts say the West Virginia teachers may foreshadow the future of organized labor, especially in the public sector, at a time when its power has been eroded in much of the country by anti-union legislatio­n and by court challenges like the Janus case, now before the Supreme Court, which threatens the financial viability of collective bargaining.

Public employees in other states have taken notice. Teachers in Oklahoma have been talking about mounting a West Virginia-style statewide walkout in early April if the Legislatur­e does not raise their pay by then. In Kentucky, a pending bill to reduce pensions for retired teachers has prompted protests and talk of strikes.

The West Virginia teachers found ways to organize and act outside the usual parameters of traditiona­l unionism. Teachers and service workers across the state aired their frustratio­ns in an enormous Facebook group, and their walkout ultimately included members of three different unions.

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