San Francisco Chronicle

Colon’s beloved, unlike other PED users

- JOHN SHEA John Shea is The San Francisco Chronicle’s national baseball writer. Email: jshea@ sfchronicl­ Twitter: @JohnSheaHe­y

“A fan favorite all around the majors,” the Associated Press account read, “the beefy righthande­r nicknamed ‘Big Sexy’ is on his ninth team in his last 11 seasons.” All true. Bartolo Colon is all that and more. The Rangers’ 44-year-old right-hander carried a perfect-game bid into the eighth inning Sunday night, and the baseball world wanted to hug him.

The AP’s account of the game was like many others we’ve seen, explaining how the lovable Colon is defying Father Time and how everyone roots for him because he’s succeeding at the highest level despite an advanced age and advanced midsection.

Colon’s suspension for testing positive for testostero­ne, which he received while with the A’s in 2012, is all but forgotten.

It’s an example of picking and choosing how we treat players linked to performanc­eenhancing drugs, whom we worship and whom we vilify. Colon, among those busted in the Biogenesis scandal, was welcomed back warmly by the A’s. Meantime, the Giants severed ties with Melky Cabrera, who was suspended a week before Colon as part of the same scandal. When Colon returned to the Coliseum, he was wildly cheered. When Cabrera returned to AT&T Park, he was vehemently booed.

It’s not atypical of the mixed treatment of PED offenders. Mark McGwire was offered jobs to coach for three teams. Sammy Sosa still isn’t permitted in Wrigley Field. David Ortiz reportedly flunked the 2003 survey drug test but is considered a first-ballot Hall of Famer and was celebrated in his 2016 farewell tour. Yet Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, the best hitter and pitcher of their generation, aren’t close to Cooperstow­n after getting voted down six times. Rafael Palmeiro, who was suspended once, fell off the ballot. Manny Ramirez remains on the ballot despite two suspension­s.

Ryan Braun, another Biogenesis cheat who was suspended, still is booed. Ditto for Alex Rodriguez until he retired.

Meantime, Colon is a folk hero.

Part of it is how players reacted after getting caught. Braun, A-Rod and Cabrera were shameful with their reactions. Colon simply apologized in a canned statement and declined to comment further.

Now he’s a fan favorite all around the majors.

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