San Francisco Chronicle

Lured by companies


Regarding “Laws need update for ‘gig’ economy” (Open Forum, June 11): When I read about the ups and downs of the gig economy, such as the column by Andrew L. Yarrow, it reminds me that the idea is nothing new.

When I was young, folks in rural areas used to go out at night to hunt frogs, either to eat or sell. Armed with long multiprong­ed spearforks, they would walk along creeks and ponds in search of croakers. They would stab the frogs with the spears, known as frog gigs.

The barbs on the prongs ensured the frog would be securely impaled on the gig. Sound familiar?

Companies that don’t want to hire essential labor as employees today lure them into side gigs with promises of steady income and hook them with early bonuses. But in my conversati­ons with drivers, the pressure is high, the income lower than promised, the competitio­n fierce and the burnout high. So my question is, “Who’s gigging who?”

Jon Bashor, El Cerrito

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