San Francisco Chronicle

No: Funding is needed for state’s roads, bridges, transit

- By Ed Rendell

On Nov. 6 you will face a choice: A choice between a future of clogged and worsening roads or one that offers relief from endless traffic jams and bridges in need of repair.

This future hinges on the outcome of Propositio­n 6, an initiative that seeks to repeal the $54 billion in transporta­tion improvemen­t projects that have been made possible due to the passage of Senate Bill 1 in 2017. This landmark law is responsibl­e for 6,500 projects in California moving forward, offering safer travel, reducing gridlock and improving transit operations.

As a California­n, you know all too well the poor condition of the state’s transporta­tion system. The numbers back up what you see every day:

More than two-thirds of your roads are in poor or mediocre condition.

More than 1,600 of your bridges are in need of repair.

The state’s roads were graded a “D” and its bridges and transit systems a “C-minus” earlier this month by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

What you may not know is that the poor state of California’s roads and bridges is costing you money.

While it’s not possible to put a price tag on the disappoint­ment on your child’s face when you have missed another of his soccer games due to traffic congestion, there is a cost of the time and fuel wasted sitting in traffic and the cost of car repairs from driving on rough roads. According to TRIP, a national transporta­tion research group, driving on roads in need of repair costs California drivers a whopping $61 billion each year.

Even if you are not a driver, you are still reliant upon a safe and dependable transporta­tion network to deliver milk to your local grocery store or to ensure that your purchases from Amazon make it to your house.

The purchasing power of the state’s gas tax has decreased over time as it has not been raised in 23 years. The cost of everything has gone up since 1994 — imagine making ends meet today on the same salary you earned in 1994.

Also, since 1994, cars have become much more fuel-efficient and the prevalence of hybrids and electric vehicles that use little or no gas has been on the rise. No wonder California is facing $150 billion in delayed projects.

Since 2013, 26 states have increased their own gas taxes in order to meet their overwhelmi­ng transporta­tion needs. This has happened in blue states as well as red states.

No one likes to pay more in taxes or fees. But the taxes you pay each time you fill your tank or renew your vehicle registrati­on go directly toward improving roads, bridges and transit services. The Associatio­n of Bay Area Government­s has estimated that SB1 will cost the average California driver $117 each year. A bargain compared to the cost of doing nothing — more than $2,500 in increased vehicle operating costs and wasted time and fuel from sitting in congestion.

So what kind of future do you want for you and your family? Do you want more potholes or do you want a smoother and more reliable commute? The choice is yours. Vote no on Prop. 6. Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvan­ia, is a co-chair of Building America’s Future — a bipartisan group of elected officials dedicated to a new era of investment in U.S. infrastruc­ture.

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