San Francisco Chronicle

Homeland Security chief likely out

- By Colleen Long and Zeke Miller Colleen Long and Zeke Miller are Associated Press writers.

WASHINGTON — President Trump has soured on Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and she is expected to leave her job, perhaps as soon as this week, according to two people with knowledge of the issue.

Trump has blamed Nielsen for not doing more to address what he has called a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, the sources said. Curbing immigratio­n is Trump’s signature issue — and one he returns to as a way to rally his most loyal supporters.

But anyone who takes over at Homeland Security is likely to run up against the same problems that Nielsen faced. The administra­tion has already tried to clamp down at the border but those efforts have been largely thwarted or watered down due to legal challenges.

Nielsen had hoped to complete one year in the job and leave in December, but it appeared unlikely she would last that long, said two sources. Both people who had knowledge of the debate spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

Trump was widely expected to shake up his Cabinet after the midterm elections and rumors are swirling about a number of department heads, including Nielsen and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, as well as Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. Still, Trump often expresses frustratio­n with aides and does not take action — talk of Kelly’s exit has percolated for months and he remains in place.

Zinke, who faces several ethics investigat­ions, said Monday that he has spoken in recent days with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Kelly about probes into his leadership and they remain supportive. He denied any wrongdoing.

Trump also told allies that he never fully trusted Nielsen, whom he associated with President George W. Bush, a longtime foe. And he told those close to him that he felt, at times, that her loyalty was more toward her longtime mentor — Kelly — than to the president. Kelly’s status is also unclear, one of the people said.

It’s unclear who would replace Nielsen. The job requires Senate confirmati­on and there is no deputy secretary. Under Secretary for Management Claire Grady would be the acting head if Nielsen left.

A DHS spokesman would not comment on whether she was leaving.

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