San Francisco Chronicle

Teachers are heroes


Concerning “Teachers protected students” (Open Forum, Nov. 13): As this Open Forum piece shows, teachers are among our nation’s true heroes. Sometimes they do literally risk their lives to help their students, as shown in the devastatin­g Butte County fires and also in accounts of deadly school shootings.

But on a daily basis, teachers always endeavor to shape the minds and morals of our children, this despite being woefully underpaid and constantly criticized by the media. In this reader’s opinion, every day should be Teacher Appreciati­on Day. Constance Cummings, San Francisco

Vegetable benefits

Regarding “Beefing up for tech” (Business, Nov. 11): Contrary to what is implied, there is plenty of solid scientific evidence for the benefits of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds in the human diet. Antioxidan­ts and healthy gut bacteria are just two.

You are what you eat, and that’s why it may be your breath and body odor that keep some people at a distance if you eat primarily dead flesh (a known side effect). Any positive results are subjective. Clearer thinking and higher energy are the exact same things I experience­d when I went primarily vegan!

Carlye Hummel, Ukiah

Overgrown forests

Congratula­tions to Thomas M. Bonnicksen in “Why California burns — its forests have too many trees” (Open Forum, Nov. 13) for advancing 21st century science against failed 20th century forest policies. We must all accept the fact that our forests are dangerousl­y overgrown and, like comic strip character Pogo said, “we have met the enemy and it is us.”

If the public will accept these new science-based forestry policies, an additional benefit of thinning our forests will be the increased release of water into our creeks and rivers that we so desperatel­y need. Stuart Smith, St. Helena

Firefighti­ng drones

We should start building a fleet of firefighti­ng tanker drones. We could eventually have thousands of them placed strategica­lly throughout the state, full of water and fire retardant ready to go.

Then, when a fire breaks out, hundreds of them could be dispatched to put it out before it gets out of control. Some of them could be designed to just dump their water or retardant, while others could be equipped with hoses to pinpoint hot spots. And, with some intelligen­ce programmed in, they could figure out the best way to fight the fire themselves. I know it would be expensive, but it’s also going to be expensive to rebuild Paradise and Malibu. Brad McMillan, San Francisco

Count all the votes

Regarding “Democracy takes time” (Editorial, Nov. 13): President Trump, who presides over a Republican Party that repeatedly uses gerrymande­ring and blatant methods to suppress voter turnout, is the last person who should be claiming that only the results on election night should matter. In a democracy, every citizen who has voted is entitled to have his or her vote counted, even though that process has extended beyond Nov. 6.

To reword an insulting comment that Trump made about the late senator and war hero John McCain, “I like election results that aren’t captured through corruption.” Gloria Curazon, Daly City

Civility in leaders

Civility begins at the top. Much has been made about the lack of civility present in our leaders, and that lack is encouragin­g uncivilize­d behavior. In many ways, it reminds me of the schools. As an educator and a coach to educators, I have gone into many, many schools. One thing is apparent — when the leaders are caring, compassion­ate, fair and kind, you see that throughout the building. The tone at the top matters greatly! There are some things I am heartened about. Many of our schools are focusing on social-emotional learning as part of the curriculum — empathy, kindness and perseveran­ce are emphasized. There is research on socialemot­ional learning, and it shows that schools that promote this also tend to have higher achievemen­t.

It is also important that parents and grandparen­ts can promote civility every day. By emulating kindness, fairness and gratefulne­ss for what we have, parents are making a huge statement. These are lessons always remembered.

Rebecca Wheat, Point Richmond

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