San Francisco Chronicle

Pope offers 21 proposals to fight clerical sex abuse

- By Nicole Winfield Nicole Winfield is an Associated Press writer.

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis opened a landmark sex abuse prevention summit Thursday by offering senior Catholic leaders 21 proposals to punish predators and keep children safe, warning that the faithful are demanding concrete action and not just words.

The tone for the high stakes, four-day summit was set at the start, with victims from five continents — Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and North America — telling the bishops of the trauma of their abuse and the additional pain the church’s indifferen­ce caused them.

“Listen to the cry of the young, who want justice,” Francis told the gathering of 190 leaders of bishops conference­s and religious orders.

“The holy people of God are watching and expect not just simple and obvious condemnati­ons, but efficient and concrete measures to be establishe­d.”

More than 30 years after the scandal first erupted in Ireland and Australia, and 20 years after it hit the U.S., bishops and Catholic officials in many parts of Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia still either deny that clergy sex abuse exists in their regions or play down the problem.

Francis, the first Latin American pope, called the summit after he himself botched a well-known sex abuse cover-up case in Chile last year and the scandal reignited in the U.S.

With his own papacy and the Catholic hierarchy at large facing a credibilit­y crisis, Francis has now vowed to chart a new course and is bringing the rest of the church leadership along with him.

The summit is meant as a tutorial for church leaders around the globe to learn the importance of preventing sex abuse in their churches, tending to victims and investigat­ing the crimes when they occur.

Colombian Cardinal Rubén Salazar Gómez warned them that they could face not only canonical sanctions but also imprisonme­nt for a coverup if they failed to properly deal with allegation­s.

The Vatican’s onetime sex crimes prosecutor delivered a step-by-step lesson Thursday on how to conduct an investigat­ion under canon law, citing the example of Pope Benedict XVI, who turned the Vatican around on the issue two decades ago.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna told bishops they should cooperate with civil law enforcemen­t investigat­ions and announce decisions about predators to their communitie­s once cases have been decided.

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