San Francisco Chronicle

Whining won’t stop alley-oops

Rockets: Give them Champagne, as team captures Most Hated title


Move aside, Warriors. You have been leapfrogge­d, in Bob Beamon fashion, by the Houston Rockets. They are now basketball’s most hated team.

You, too, New England Patriots. Hand over your crown as the most hated team in sports.

Don’t go complainin­g and crying and playing the victim, Warriors and Patriots. The Rockets earned this title — by complainin­g and crying and playing the victim.

Going into the playoffs, and until the aftermath of Game 1 of the Western Conference semifinals, the Warriors were the NBA’s most hated team. To

critics, the Warriors were greedy piggies, hogging all the elite talent. They were crybabies, led by tech titans Draymond Green, Kevin Durant and DeMarcus Cousins.

Some critics say the Warriors are too soft, too cutesy (put away that pacifier, Stephen Curry!), and too smug. ( Joe Lacob’s “Light Years” quote has a longer shelf life than a Twinkie.)

There was genuine appreciati­on from many for what the Warriors have achieved in the past five seasons, but in this, the Age of the Troll, the more the Warriors won, the more they were mocked and nitpicked.

Remember when Curry won his first MVP, and old NBA players came out of the woodwork to brag how in their day, they would have given Curry a wedgie and sent him back to the rec leagues?

When the Warriors picked up Cousins at a flea market, the troll machine went turbo.

How the Rockets managed to snatch the Most Hated label from the Warriors is a story worthy of a book. But here are the Cliffs Notes: James Harden, already widely disrespect­ed for building much of his game around fooling the refs, whined after Game 1 that the refs were cheating him. In the offseason, the Rockets’ front office produced a memo and delivered it to the league office. The memo breaks down the Rockets’ Game 7 loss last year to the Warriors in the Western Conference finals. The memo finds 81 ref mistakes, and concludes, “Referees likely changed the eventual NBA champion.”

To be clear, every NBA team sends crybaby video to the league office throughout the season, pointing out unfair or incorrect reffing. The Rockets and general manager Daryl Morey took that whining to a whole new level by questionin­g the Warriors’ NBA title.

Analytics are already a turnoff to fans who like the games decided by players, not programmer­s. Morey did for analytics what Dr. Frankenste­in did for bodybuildi­ng.

But this is worse: After Game 1, the Rockets apparently leaked that secret memo to national media sources, in an apparent attempt to influence officiatin­g in this series. That leak was astounding­ly bad judgment, exposing the Rockets as high-tech whiners.

Also, that leak — and the Game 1 complaints of Harden and head coach Mike D’Antoni — created a national discussion about Harden’s style of play, which many recognize as uncool, but which has been rewarded for years. That discussion will force the league to deal with the growing problem of flopping, flailing and foul-collecting.

The Rockets’ offense isn’t built around Harden, it is Harden. If the league instructs its refs to look for leg kicks and arm grabs by shooters, to crack down on cheap and cheaty theatrics, Houston has a problem.

The Rockets also have an image problem. Bill Belichick spied on opponents, and Tom Brady probably requested softer footballs, but when it comes to creatively gaming the system, the Rockets one-upped the Patriots. Harden will be named the league’s MVP soon, and he can blame his GM — and himself — for the basketball-sized asterisk that will be figurative­ly attached to that trophy.

Meanwhile, the Warriors quietly yield their Most Hated Team label.

It helped when the Cousins experiment kind of flopped and didn’t make the Warriors unbeatable. They get credit for surviving and working through the Durant-Green meltdown. They get props for their unintentio­nal role in exposing the Rockets’ trickery.

Oh, the Warriors are still hate-able. Curry is just too perfect for some people. He would do himself a favor by getting busted for, say, overwateri­ng his lawn. To those who embrace the angry-face, elbow-throwing side of the NBA, the Warriors bring way too much beauty and joy to the party.

But nobody accuses them of playing with loaded dice.

The Rockets might win a game or two in this series. They might even win the NBA championsh­ip. But even if they get knocked out by the Warriors, the Rockets have wrapped up one title.

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 ?? Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle ?? Complaints don’t make James Harden popular.
Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle Complaints don’t make James Harden popular.

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