San Francisco Chronicle



Mass shooting: Thirteen people were wounded, four critically, after at least two gunmen opened fire at a house gathering in Chicago early Sunday. The shooting took place just after 12:30 a.m. at a memorial celebratin­g what would’ve been the birthday of a man who also died of gun violence. Police said they are investigat­ing any connection with the April killing. Two people were being questioned in connection with Sunday’s shooting. Fred Waller, chief of patrol for the Police Department, said he did not believe the shooting is gangrelate­d and that it is probably an isolated incident stemming from a personal dispute.

Highway pileup: A pileup involving 69 vehicles on a major interstate in Virginia on Sunday injured dozens of people, some critically, according to state police. The accident happened around 8 a.m. on Interstate 64 in York County and for a time shut down traffic in both directions. State Police said there was fog and ice along a bridge when what was described as a chainreact­ion wreck began. At least 51 people were treated or transporte­d for injuries, but there were no reports of fatalities.

Confederat­e monument: A judge won’t let students intervene in a settlement that gave a Confederat­e heritage group money to preserve a monument that protesters tore down at North Carolina’s flagship public university in Chapel Hill. Judge Allen Baddour ruled that the University of North Carolina students lacked standing to force their way into the case. The students are seeking to invalidate the agreement that granted possession of the “Silent Sam” statue to the Sons of Confederat­e Veterans, along with $2.5 million in university money for its upkeep. “Silent Sam” stood on the campus for more than 100 years until protesters toppled it in August 2018, saying it symbolized racism and white supremacis­t views.

Shark bite: A shark bit a surfer Saturday afternoon off Southern California, the Coast Guard said. The 37yearold man had been surfing near Santa Rosa Island, one of the Channel Islands, during the attack. A friend aboard a nearby boat applied a tourniquet to his leg and called the Coast Guard for help, the agency said in a statement. A helicopter crew flew the man to the Santa Barbara airport for treatment, and he was later reported in stable condition. Coast Guard video footage posted on Twitter shows the man, wearing a fullbody wet suit, being hoisted into the helicopter. “This was the best possible outcome to a truly terrifying situation,” Coast Guard Lt. Benjamin McIntyreCo­ble said. Garfield auction: Cartoonist Jim Davis is offering more than 11,000 Garfield handdrawn comic strips in an auction that will stretch into the coming years, with at least a couple of strips featuring the alwayshung­ry, grumpy cat available weekly. “There are just so many, and it was such a daunting task to figure what to do with them so that they could be out there where people enjoy them too,” Davis said. Heritage Auctions in Dallas is selling two daily strips each week, along with longer Sunday strips being offered throughout the year.

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