San Francisco Chronicle

Confined, people get creative to beat boredom CHINA

- PennyYi Wang is an Associated Press writer. By PennyYi Wang

BANGKOK — Chinese around the country confined to their apartments either by choice or by order are making the best of the situation as cities remain in lockdown in a desperate bid to contain a new, dangerous virus.

A couple from Shantou, a coastal city in Guangdong province, recreated a childhood game at home for their children.

In video posted on Douyin, a popular Chinese social media platform, the mom pretends to be a street vendor selling hoops made of cardboard paper. The children throw the hoops to score prizes laid out on the ground. It is a popular game usually played outdoor at Chinese New Year celebratio­ns, but this year is different.

“Many travel plans and outdoor activities were canceled. A lot of people are strictly limiting their needs of going outside,” said Ouyang, the father. “Staying home is boring. So we decided to play this game at home with our kids and record a short clip of it.”

A woman who goes by the screen name Liang Jinjin lives in Yichang in Hubei province, a city not too far from the outbreak epicenter of Wuhan and one of several places where public transporta­tion and traffic with the outside world have been blocked off. In her collection of videos, she sips water from a giant glass to her own reflection in the mirror and drinks from a coconut with a TV background showing animation of a beach. In another clip, she makes a tiny snowman with ice from her freezer.

“During the outbreak, everyone is nervous and staying at home spontaneou­sly. But staying home is very boring, so this video of me ‘traveling’ at home is to hope that everyone can face the epidemic with positivity and optimism,” she said.

Schools around China have delayed the start of spring semester due to the outbreak. So university student Wei Zikai turned his living room into a badminton court.

Others took to the social media to show off their skills playing word games.

The new virus has now infected more people in China than were sickened there during the 20022003 SARS outbreak. Early Thursday, the number of cases jumped to 7,711, surpassing the 5,327 people diagnosed with SARS. The death toll rose to 170. More than 50 million people in Wuhan and nearby cities are being kept in place in the most farreachin­g disease control measures ever imposed.

 ?? Douyin user Wei Zikai / Associated Press ?? University student Wei Zikai has turned his living room into a badminton court in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the virus outbreak that remains in lockdown.
Douyin user Wei Zikai / Associated Press University student Wei Zikai has turned his living room into a badminton court in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the virus outbreak that remains in lockdown.

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