San Francisco Chronicle

Medicine donated

- By Rachel Swan Rachel Swan is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: rswan@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @rachelswan

Gilead gives U.S. 1.5 million vials of the antiviral drug remdesivir to distribute to critically ill patients around the country.

The Antioch City Council has ousted a planning commission­er who came under fire for a Facebook post suggesting that coronaviru­s deaths could have benefits for society.

Planning Commission Chair Ken Turnage II refused to leave his position after calling for an end to shelterinp­lace orders in a controvers­ial screed that suggested “we as a species need to move forward with our place on Earth” by reopening society and accepting that the coronaviru­s will run its course, killing the older and weak. He added that the deaths would “reduce burdens” on Social Security, health care, jobs and housing.

Turnage lobbied to keep his seat during a special council meeting on Zoom on Friday.

“After many years of service to the city, in both the private and public sectors, it is dishearten­ing that you are considerin­g removing me from the Planning Commission due to a personal opinion that I posted on my personal Facebook page,” he said.

He went on to accuse the council of conflating his Facebook comments with his role on the commission to advance a political agenda. And he doubled down on claims that the coronaviru­s should be allowed to run its course in a reopened society.

Ninetytwo Antioch residents submitted emailed comments, largely saying that Turnage’s political future is not a freespeech issue but a question of leadership and accountabi­lity. Many were incensed by the commission­er’s statements, saying he had shaken their confidence in local government.

In Antioch, the City Council appoints planning commission­ers and expects them to reflect the city’s image and values.

The public comments represente­d a small slice of the response to Turnage’s post, news of which went viral and prompted calls from all over the nation, said Mayor Pro Tem Joyann Motts. She began fielding calls for Turnage’s resignatio­n when news of the post began snowballin­g Thursday.

Councilman Lamar Thorpe made the motion to remove Turnage, saying he was dismayed that the commission­er had not expressed remorse for his comments.

“I’m not even going to get into some of the nonsense arguments that were being spewed, because they have no place here,” Thorpe said. “What we’re talking about here is life and death — whether or not we as a community are committed to that.”

Mayor Sean Wright, who ordered the special meeting and recommende­d ejecting Turnage, tried to restore some of the public’s trust in an emotional speech.

“When our words as public servants undermine the city’s overall position and cause the citizens to lose confidence in us, especially during a pandemic when people are losing their lives and families are victim to illness, it is something that must be examined,” he said. “As the mayor of the city of Antioch, I want to say to every single citizen that you matter ... your life, your job, and your business are important to us.”

The council approved his recommenda­tion in a 50 vote.

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