San Francisco Chronicle

Expand testing for COVID19 nationwide


If we want to reopen schools according to the guidelines suggested by health officials, it’s time for the federal government to implement a coordinate­d national response to COVID19. The Bay Area has been lauded for its response to this crisis so far, but city and state officials can only do so much.

Though we’ve improved testing capacity here, some counties like San Mateo and Contra Costa still haven’t met their goals. To meet the demand schools will bring, we need action from the federal government. Specifical­ly, Congress should pass legislatio­n to utilize the Defense Production Act to dramatical­ly increase the quantity of tests and vital supplies like masks, coordinate with states to expand the number of labs equipped to conduct tests, and expand drivethrou­gh and hometestin­g options. The hope for a return to a more normal life will only come through collaborat­ion and coordinati­on between federal, state and local authoritie­s. Our political system depends on the federal government helping states when threats arise that are beyond their capacity to handle by themselves. Congress, it seems, has failed us. Congress must do its job, protect the people and pass an effective national COVID19 response now.

Philip Whitfield, San Jose


Concerning “Utter contempt for the rule of law” (Editorial, July 13): The president’s pardon of Roger Stone, who was convicted for witness tampering and lying to Congress while it investigat­ed Russian sabotage of the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election, is simply part of his mobboss style of rule: You remain loyal to me and I’ll protect you. As for most of the GOP senators and congressio­nal members who stay silent as Trump continues his ruthless term as godfatheri­nchief, here’s a good Mafia word to describe their acquiescen­ce: consiglier­e (advisers to a crime boss).

Donna Delvecchio, Santa Clara

Listen to the teachers

As a Marin mother and educator celebratin­g 25 years of public service to students and my community as a teacher, principal, district office administra­tor and, most recently, doctor in organizati­onal leadership, there is no more urgent time than now in public education to really listen to teachers, support staff and their principals. These are the people, besides us parents, who directly create an environmen­t that positively transforms the lives of our children.

The research is clear — teachers first, principals second, and superinten­dents, who, indirectly, have the most impact on the success of our students in whatever place school ends up being.

Please listen to your students’ teachers and support staff, as our caring and competent teachers know to listen to their students first. Collaborat­ive and supportive principals know to listen to their teachers in planning, and their transforma­tive superinten­dent knows the research on who in schools has the most impact on student social/emotional wellbeing and academic success: a student’s teacher.

Michele Crncich Hodge, Mill Valley

Address systemic racism

Regarding “Berkeley may curb cop traffic stops” (Page 1, July 13): Berkeley’s proposed notpolice department to deal with traffic citations may allow for some mitigation, but it can’t address systemic racism embedded in U.S. criminal justice. To address systemic racism, training academies and the hierarchic­al system of policing and police associatio­n power have to be dismantled, then reorganize­d statewide and nationally within a popular culture that emphasizes the protection of human rights and justice over wealth and property rights. Many cops know their role in promoting and protecting the existing order includes defending inequaliti­es, putting them at odds with various communitie­s. That has to change. Without justice, we’ll never have peace or end systemic racism.

Marc Sapir, Berkeley

Disaster to reopen

Regarding “Students’ behavior threatens colleges’ reopening hopes” (Page 1, July 10): You reported that many UC Berkeley students had already contracted the coronaviru­s in frat parties. Reopening colleges and schools will be a disaster. The virus harms even young people and disables and kills many immunecomp­romised and older people. President Trump and his followers want schools reopened so the economy might rebound in time to save his reelection bid.

Trump does not care about anyone but himself. We will need remote learning and working at least until we get a new president next January. And if Joe Biden supporters manage to pull him much more to the left, with voter suppressio­n and wellfinanc­ed lying, we could still end up with Trump for four more years or until we are dead — whichever occurs first.

Gary Wesley, Mountain View

‘All lives matter’ issue

The problem with the statement that “all lives matter” is that actions speak louder than words. If all lives mattered in this country, everyone would have access to stateofthe­art medical care, be housed, wellfed and educated to realize their full potential.

Until then, I’ll say loud and clear that Black Lives Matter, because apparently we need to be reminded.

Jerilu Breneman, Sebastopol

Disingenuo­us claim

Regarding “3 GOP lawsuits dropped after mail ballot law passes” ( July 12): The Republican declaratio­n that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s votebymail emergency move is a brazen power grab is beyond disingenuo­us. Do Republican­s really feel that enfranchis­ing all voters is somehow going to result in a distortion of democracy? What exactly is it they are afraid of ? That the will of the people will result in a more equitable distributi­on of justice and income?

David Hirzel, Pacifica

Denounce Polish leader

Regarding “Hotly contested runoff election too close to call” ( July 13): Whatever the final results are, I’m deeply disappoint­ed that about onehalf of the voters in Poland chose to give their votes to current President Andrzej Duda, who denounced the LGBT rights movement as an “ideology” worse than communism. His demagoguer­y is unworthy of a country belonging to the European Union, and should be denounced by all of its member nations, as well as by the U.S.

Finn MacLaughli­n, Daly City

Enough of the bullying

Threats and bullying as a leadership style? Why is it that President Trump, and his administra­tion, can only approach common problems with threats and bullying and revenge? Threatenin­g to cut off funding for states or schools that do not reopen. Bullying cities that will not allow dangerous rallies.

Orchestrat­ed revenge to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci because Americans trusted his advice on COVID19 more than, heaven forbid, pandemic denier Trump. These are not the traits of a successful leader, either in public service or private industry. This is not what successful business people do, contrary to what many who voted for Trump define as proven results.

Business leaders who succeed do it based upon motivation, empowermen­t and collaborat­ion, not petty vindictive­ness and financial blackmail. Oh, right, Trump has gotten away with these tactics and never paid the real consequenc­es for his failure. Yet.

Noelle Robbins, Alameda

 ?? Tom Toles / Washington Post ??
Tom Toles / Washington Post

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