San Francisco Chronicle

“The doctor who won’t diagnose, treat or cure... anything!’’


That’s right, I don’t. Because it works better like that, for you. Infinitely more scientific, and, you actually get what you want. We’ll get back to that.

How did I get here, to this very different place in health care? My father died at the ridiculous­ly young age of 53. (I was just 21, in my first year in med school. I was devastated!) Fred Harte, my dad, was a workaholic. When he stayed home from his shop, weak and sick, his doctor should have listened. But the doctor told him, “Don’t worry, Fred. It’s just the flu.” The same thing, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4. On that fourth night, my mother called the doctor, telling him that my dad felt like a steam-roller was going over his chest, and that his nails and lips were blue. Instead of the doctor calling an ambulance, he tells my mother, who didn’t even drive then, to get him to the hospital.

With a heart attack as obvious as a neon sign, the emergency room didn’t want to admit Dad. After a big argument, they finally did. No emergency cardiac procedures. They gave him a shot of Demerol, and pushed his gurney off to the side. He died there, unattended, three hours later. His doctor even lied on the death certificat­e; said he was at the house the night before. To think that this guy, this M.D., used to be my hero!

Me? When I was 17, just starting college pre-med, I was working as a hospital orderly. Hurt my back, lifting a patient. I went to the orthopedis­t. He X-rayed me, and told me that I had spondyloli­sthesis, which usually means that the last lumbar vertebra is in two pieces last three instead vertebrae.) of one. Really (In my unstable! case, it was He the put me on Darvon Compound 65, which was the Oxycontin of that time, and told me that I’d be back by the time I was 30 or 40 for a total (multi-level) spinal fusion.

it all hit After the fan. my I second wasn’t 40, year or in even med 30. school, I was only 23 years old… bent over in horrible pain that went down both legs, beginning to lose control of my bladder. I knew that it was surgery time. I read up, and the statistics were terrible. (Still are!) But I lucked out! A friend got me to a chiropract­or. I thought that Chiropract­ic was witchcraft, but, hey, I had nothing to lose.

my shoulder. I went, (You with think a big that med you’re student skeptical?) chip on This chiropract­or (who I didn’t even consider a real doctor at the time) actually LISTENED, gave me THE most thorough exam I ever had, and X-rayed me. He put me on the table. I was so scared that I was thinking about jumping off that table, and running for my life. He calmed me down. Then he adjusted me. I stood up straight and pain-free for the first time in months! I quit med school, and enrolled in chiropract­ic college.

My son, the little guy in the pack? Dropped out of the sixth grade. Abraham graduated from College of Marin when he was fourteen years old (yes, you read that right!) with four associate’s degrees. He graduated, with honors, from Cal Tech in Pasadena, when he was only 17. Got his Ph.D. in theoretica­l physics at 22. University of Chicago, then the Albert Einstein Institute in Germany. Now he’s a professor in Dublin (Ireland, not the East Bay).

When Abraham was still in school with kids his age (through part of the 6th grade), and they all got sick in the winter with colds, strep throats and ear infections, he was the only one who didn’t get sick. The secret? As young as he was in the pack, he was already under regular Wellness Chiropract­ic Care. He got his first chiropract­ic adjustment at five minutes old!*

It’s funny how life is, because now people come to see me with horrible back pain that they were told they had to “live with,” or face very risky surgery. They bring in their kids so that they can be healthier. Also, they come to me with their arthritis, neuropathy, insomnia, urinary (frequency/control) issues, problems walking, spinal stenosis, difficulty getting out of chairs, anxiety, IBS, migraines, allergies, asthma, ADD, rotator cuff, depression,

“bone-on-bone” hips and knees, carpal tunnel, fatigue, dizziness, fibromyalg­ia, and just to name a few.

I don’t diagnose. I don’t treat or cure any pain, disease or condition, including those mentioned above. THE organizing system of your body, what heals you, what controls and coordinate­s every one of your systems, organs, tissues and cells, is your brain and nervous system. When you have areas of your spine that are misaligned, and/or not moving normally (whether there’s pain, or not), this interferes with your body functionin­g normally. Through gentle, specific, scientific chiropract­ic adjustment­s, I correct this interferen­ce, allowing your body to heal itself, naturally.

Me? I could have had an easy life, probably with a lot more money, certainly with a whole lot more respect, if I would have stayed the medical route. (And I never would have shocked my mother.) But HOW could I continue on when I knew that chiropract­ic care saved my life, and medical care would have crippled me? {What’s “accepted” is not always right. Sometimes, it’s TOTALLY wrong.}

I learned, As very soon quickly, as I hit how chiropract­ic Chiropract­ic college, is essential for the best health for everyone with a spine and a nervous system. (It DOES make me nuts when I hear of chiropract­ors failing in their duty, putting out pathetic, third-rate physical medicine, instead of actual Chiropract­ic, “treating back pain” with all kinds of gimmicks, instead of pursuing Health by correcting interferen­ce to Health.) I am sorry if you’ve wasted time and money in offices like that.

Over the last 39 years, I’ve created my own chiropract­ic technique, the Harte Method, which is a combinatio­n of Directiona­l NonForce Technique, Upper Cervical Specific, Applied Kinesiolog­y, Logan Basic and Columbia, with my own refinement­s. I check and adjust, as indicated, not just the spine, but also cranial bones (including the TMJ, the jaw) and extremitie­s (knees, hips, shoulders, etc.) I adjust “by hand only.” I do not use any of those ridiculous vibrating “adjusting tools.”

“I was rear ended on 2/25/19. I ended up with a severe concussion— and still dealing with severe post-concussion syndrome. I went to a chiropract­or I knew and thought could help... I was mistaken. He would adjust me .... but wouldn’t address my skull or neck issues and wouldn’t look past my torso...I was recommende­d to Dr. Harte, as it was now ~3 months that I’d had a massive headache and couldn’t walk much without being exhausted. My brain hurt. Literally. I was getting really depressed and feeling like maybe I wouldn’t get better... then I started with Dr. H. With one adjustment .... I felt half my brain fog leave. I could breathe better... didn’t even know that had concentrat­ed been an issue. soft touch I am amazed really adjusts how such what is needed. Dr. Harte sincerely cares about each individual patient... passionate­ly... it shows in his work. He listens to you when you talk. Other chiros have told me what I need rather than listen to what I’m dealing with .... and responding... I am grateful for his work and insight to the whole body… not just the spine. It is all interconne­cted. I highly recommend his work. This guy knows his stuff and can help you.” - Anne-Marie Soltero, Richmond

“Left leg not dragging. Walking better.” – Patricia Haynes, San Francisco

Amazing person...amazing work. Dr. Harte is like no other! Thank you for giving me relief but most of all...hope for a healthy life. – April, Fletcher, Vacaville

“Best chiropract­or I’ve been to. I will tell you after moving locations for work I wasn’t able to see a chiropract­or for 3 weeks. In that time my back got to the point I could not sleep well or tie my shoes in the morning. Dr. Harte spent over an hour on my adjustment and I walked out feeling like I was walking on air. He is by far the BEST chiropract­or and I now drive 3 hours round-trip to see him once a week. He is direct, passionate and a former New Yorker. If you want a cheap adjustment and no results, he’s not your guy. If you value your health enough to spend the money for someone who has legitimate­ly MASTERED their craft, this is the guy for you.” – Giovanni Migic, Concord

You benefit from our Amazing Offer: No matter what you “believe,” no matter what kind of experience­s you have had elsewhere, you need to get a spine and nerve check-up here, in order to FIND interferen­ce to your body functionin­g normally, and to create a plan to CORRECT that interferen­ce. But… it shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg just to find out about how Wellness Chiropract­ic could change

your life, dramatical­ly, for the better. If you bring in this article by Wednesday, August 26th, you’ll receive my entire new patient exam for only $170, instead of the regular fee of $875 .(I guarantee that you’ve never had an exam this comprehens­ive, for any amount of money.) This includes digital spinal X-rays, neurologic­al scans, the whole ball of wax. The X-rays alone could cost you over $2000 elsewhere. Call me, now, at 415/460-6527, and see if you qualify.

Great care at a fair fee... Please, I hope that there is no misunderst­anding about quality of care just because of this Amazing Offer. This is THE HARTE OF CHIROPRACT­IC. I am Dr. Harte (D.C.). I’ve been serving the entire Bay Area since 1981. I was honored as “Chiropract­or of the Year” by the World Chiropract­ic Alliance (WCA) in 2006. I served on their board, as well as the board of the Council on Chiropract­ic Practice. I’ve been a speaker at Life West Chiropract­ic College in Hayward, and Sherman Chiropract­ic College in South Carolina. I’ve had articles published in the Chiropract­ic Journal, the Journal of the California Chiropract­ic Associatio­n, OMNI Magazine, North Bay Biz, Marin IJ and the SF Chronicle.

I make this great offer to help people like you, who are suffering needlessly, and who can be healthier. ALSO, I do this so that you’ll have an opportunit­y to see what real Chiropract­ic is, and how different it is from where you may have been.

Our office is friendly and warm. We’re centrally located in Corte Madera, right off of 101, 5 minutes from the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, 12 minutes off the Golden Gate, and 20 minutes from the Sonoma line. There are a lot of reasons why people, like you, travel great distances, regularly, to THE HARTE OF CHIROPRACT­IC. Yes, many come here, regularly, from San Francisco, San Mateo, Lafayette, Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Berkeley, Hercules, Windsor, Vallejo…

Because I owe my life, quite literally, to Chiropract­ic, I take what I do for you very seriously. I am responsibl­e to you, not some insurance company. If you qualify to become a Member of my practice, THE HARTE OF CHIROPRACT­IC, I will work harder for you than any doctor, of any kind. Call me, now, at 415/460-6527. “I will help you.” --Dr. Don Harte (D.C.)

PS: How dare I question standard medical authority? Not only do I dare to question that authority, myself, I challenge you to do the same, as a thinking, intelligen­t person. You already know what I’ve been through. What have you been through, for how many years, being told “Learn to live with it,” and other lame, disrespect­ful, unscientif­ic excuses? 5, 10, 20 years? That’s a long time for your doctor to fail!

PPS: orthopedis­t Damaged threatenin­g by spinal more surgery? surgery Is to your fix the one he already screwed up? Most chiropract­ors wouldn’t touch you. Through my gentle, specific, scientific approach, I can and will help you!

COVID-19: Non-Government­al Common Sense: All through this very long lock-down, it’s been OK (and legal) to go to doctor’s offices, including chiropract­ors. Chiropract­ic care improves health, overall, including your immune time to start. system, We know so this that is an the especially critical thing good is to have a strong, well-functionin­g immune system in a strong, well-functionin­g body. Your immune system, like every other system, is controlled and coordinate­d by your nervous system, which is where I come in. Wanna be “safe?” THE safest place to be is inside a truly healthy body! Breaking news from New York: 66% of people hospitaliz­ed were “sheltering-inplace.” Of course, appropriat­e (extra) sanitary measures are being employed in the office.

* Apparently, there are “comedians” on staff at the chiropract­ic board, who think that you will think that, if you bring your child here, he or she will be guaranteed to get a Ph.D. by 22. I am supposed to tell you not to expect that.

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