San Francisco Chronicle

Claiming double credit for charitable donations

- By Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin Send questions to Miss Manners’ website: www.missmanner­; to her email address: dearmiss; or through postal mail: Miss Manners, Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City

Dear Miss Manners: Several years ago, when I knew I would not be able to be with my family for the holidays, I decided to make donations in their names to what I believed were worthwhile charities that I happened to support. I sent them each a card, noting my gift and briefly explaining the charity’s mission.

Much to my surprise, my family told me that they were surprised and upset by my actions. My parents demanded that their names not be included on the charity’s mailing list. My sister made it clear that she wanted me to donate only to charities that she personally supported.

Should I give only to charities my family has preapprove­d? I almost feel that defeats the purpose of giving in the first place.

Gentle Reader: You have already defeated the purpose of giving presents, which is to please the recipients. Yet Miss Manners gathers that your pride in the virtue of giving to charity has prevented you from understand­ing why.

You gave to charities you support, so presumably you would have made these donations anyway. In what way does that connect with other members of the family, who have their own favorite charities?

Presents are a symbolic way of showing that one has noticed other people’s preference­s. You have ignored theirs.

Never mind that it deprives them of the tax deduction and puts their names on a solicitati­on list. Unless your family has agreed to substitute charity for giving presents, you are claiming double credit for a single action.

Dear Miss Manners: This weekend I went to do my grocery shopping. As I entered the store, the customer in front of me stopped and, due to this being a small store, there was no maneuverin­g around him and his cart.

He just stood there for a minute as a line of people and carts built up behind him. Eventually he noticed and moved to the side, saying, “Excuse me.” I gave him a nod and moved past him.

He yelled “EXCUSE ME!” at my retreating back — twice. I just continued walking, without responding. I can only think that for him, my nod was not enough and he wanted some version of “It’s OK” from me.

Well, it wasn’t OK, and I don’t feel that I should have given him the impression that being so inconsider­ate is an acceptable thing to do going forward. Am I in the wrong here?

Gentle Reader: There seem to be a lot of altercatio­ns in grocery stores these days. Several have come Miss Manners’ way. Can’t you people just scoop up your nibbles without squabbling?

Yes, she understand­s that you did not cause the problem. But you now regret that you didn’t prolong it. Why? Surely a moment of absentmind­edness can be excused. You could have explained, as to a child, “Yes, I excused you.”

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