San Francisco Chronicle

In-laws send food gift that vegan can’t eat

- By Judith Martin Send questions to Miss Manners’ website: www. missmanner­; or to her email address: dearmiss

Dear Miss Manners:

Three years ago, I adopted a vegan lifestyle; my husband did not, but we’ve found a way to peacefully coexist. His family members know of the changes in my diet, yet they persist in sending us food gifts I cannot consume.

I’ve made sure my husband thanks them for these gifts, but I have remained mute about them. I’m a prodigious thank-you note writer, even when I receive something I cannot use or don’t like. Should I be thanking the in-laws for the food I can’t eat? If so, what should I say?

Gentle Reader:

Whether their motive is to taunt you, or merely to give your husband a treat they believe he would not otherwise get, Miss Manners advises you not to acknowledg­e the challenge. You do not even have to acknowledg­e the present if your husband properly does so, as it seems to be intended for him alone.

But perhaps you feel you must address their having “included” you in the gift. In that case, you would write, “Connor asked me to thank you for sending him the side of beef. We both wish you a very happy new year.”

Dear Miss Manners:

I have hosted a Christmas morning brunch for friends and family for the past 15 years or so. It is my gift back to friends and family for all their support and friendship­s. Most guests bring a small hostess gift such as a bottle of wine or a candle.

This year, a longtime participan­t/guest left an envelope with cash, and not an insignific­ant amount. I am in a quandary as to how to respond, as I feel that cash is not an appropriat­e hostess gift. Frankly, it makes me uncomforta­ble.

One thought is giving the money to a charity and letting the guest know I have done so in their name. I would add that the pleasure of their company is all I require for brunch. Suggestion­s?

Gentle Reader: Money is so often substitute­d for presents these days that your guest may not realize how insulting it is to treat your hospitalit­y as a commercial venture. Neverthele­ss, you should not accept this premise.

Donating the money, laudable as that may be, does not make the point; it only accepts the idea that the payment is legitimate, and that you can use it as you choose. Miss Manners advises you to return it with the explanatio­n that you cannot accept the money, as this person was your guest.

Dear Miss Manners: What does “creative formal” mean on a New Year’s Eve party invitation?

Gentle Reader: Probably what we used to mean by “trying too hard.”

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