Santa Cruz Sentinel

Wedding brings on in-law exclusion

- Amy BiCEinMon Ask Amy — Sleep-deprived

ikAR AMY >> My niece’s brother-in-law, “Bradley,” will be getting married later this year.

My niece, “Kate,” is married to Bradley’s brother.

All of Bradley’s siblings and their spouses have been asked to be in the bridal party, everyone except for Kate.

Kate’s husband is in his brother’s party, but her future sister-in-law, “Julie,” has excluded Kate.

Kate included Julie in her wedding party several years ago.

Kate can think of nothing that would have offended Julie.

How should Kate handle this upcoming wedding?

— Sad Aunt

ikAR SAi AUNT >> In the movie version, “Kate” would attend the wedding, get roaring drunk at the reception, and then deliver the roasty-toast of the century.

Movie pitch aside, if every single sibling and spouse has been included in the wedding party, this exclusion does seem offkilter. However, the fact that Kate included “Julie” in her own wedding does not obligate Julie to recipro-kate.

Ideally, Julie would have anticipate­d this challenge and explained her decision to Kate - gently and respectful­ly — in advance of her announceme­nt.

Kate might be able to tease out a gracious explanatio­n by asking Julie, “I accept your decision not to ask me to be part of the wedding party, but I want to make sure - are you and I OK?”

She should add, “Please, let me know if there is any way I can be helpful as you get closer to the date.”

Kate should attend this wedding, be a gracious guest, and have a good time.

ikAR AMY >> Every summer and fall, family members gather at a beach house about an hour from my home.

Because there are not enough bedrooms in the house, my husband and I sleep in an open loft, just above the kitchen and living room.

I’m a light sleeper, and I get only a few hours of shut-eye, due to the natural activity from both the night owls and children rising early.

With chronic health conditions, I’d prefer to sleep in my own home and return to the beach house for day and evening activities, but I’m afraid this would be seen as rude.

Family is important, but so is my health. What do you recommend? ikAR SLkkP-ikPRIVki >> You are responsibl­e for taking care of yourself and seeing to your own needs. No one else can do that for you.

You have two reasonable choices: To ask for a bedroom with a door, or to drive home each night.

I cannot imagine that anyone would be affronted if - after many years - you decided to make a change and stop sleeping in the loft.

In fact, if you chose to return to your home and sleep in your own bed each night, your fellow family members might actually be happy to have more sleeping space available in the group house. And you could show up in the mornings with fresh bagels/donuts/coffee for the group.

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