Santa Cruz Sentinel

The secretive move to place SVP locally

- By Michael Geluardi Michael Geluardi is the president of the Bonny Doon School Board.

Liberty Healthcare, a secretive state contractor, is working to place sexually violent predator (SVP) Michael Cheek in a family neighborho­od in Bonny Doon. Liberty would wreck residents’ mental health, destroy a neighborho­od and tempt far worse tragedy, for profit. And they are eyeing other Santa Cruz County neighborho­ods. The proposal has generated fear and outrage among residents and vehement opposition from our District Attorney, Sheriff, County Board of Supervisor­s, County School Board and state elected officials.

Kudos to Ryan Coonerty and the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisor­s for leadership in the effort to bring sanity to an out-of-control

SVP conditiona­l release program (CONREP) by demanding that the state cease placing any SVPs in our county until a legislativ­e fix gives local agencies a meaningful role in the process. Their action joins San Diego County in leading this statewide bipartisan movement.

But until a fix comes, protecting Santa Cruz communitie­s from this threat remains in the hands of District Attorney Jeff Rosell, who must bring forward the full effort of his office to oppose the placement, and Santa Cruz County Judge Syda Coglioti who should reject it.

Despite being granted domicile here, Mr. Cheek’s placement in Santa Cruz County is not a foregone conclusion. Opposing all inappropri­ate placements that would threaten public health and safety is justified and necessary.

Liberty Healthcare operates from an intense financial incentive to win placement of SVPs, but their business model is facing setbacks. Liberty is coming into Santa Cruz County under pressure and is anything but impartial in its site recommenda­tions.

Liberty earns at least $240,000 to $330,000 per SVP placed in their conditiona­l release program but their caseload is not growing as projected. The squeeze is that Liberty has tremendous difficulty finding homeowners willing to lease to them, forcing them to promote inappropri­ate sites like this one. Liberty is on a losing streak with at least four proposed SVP placements failing in court and at least three more homeowners withdrawin­g from leases over the last nine months. These are significan­t setbacks relative to the 15 total SVPs in their program on Jan. 1, 2021, and 20 that they had projected for 2019/20 . An undisclose­d number of Liberty’s SVP placements are also returned to custody for rules violations, another warning sign for this troubled program.

A major problem in securing new SVP placements is Liberty’s difficulty finding homeowners willing to lease to them. This compels Liberty to promote absurdly inappropri­ate sites (like the one in Bonny Doon) or their business fails.

Another problem is that outraged California­ns are getting wise to Liberty’s secretive ways and deceptive courtroom practices. Grassroots neighborho­od activists from other counties, appalled by their fights against Liberty, are organizing to press for a legislativ­e solution and also support counties like ours scrambling to resist reckless SVP placements. The motion passed by the Santa Cruz County and

San Diego County boards of supervisor­s was born of this grassroots effort.

These friends have shown us how instead of partnering with the communitie­s they work in, Liberty succeeds through secrecy, catching us off balance and then steamrolli­ng complex concerns in court with biased and often false representa­tions.

Success in court will require a strong effort from the DA. Success in Sacramento will require unified effort by all government agencies and elected officials in Santa Cruz County.

The climactic hearing on Michael Cheek’s placement is scheduled for 9 a.m., Nov. 15 at the County Courthouse at 700 Ocean Street.

Join Bonny Dooners in a courthouse step demonstrat­ion that morning starting at 7:30 a.m.

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