Santa Fe New Mexican

Demands of ‘full repeal’ could derail rollback of health law

- By David Weigel, Sean Sullivan and Mike DeBonis

WASHINGTON — An array of conservati­ve lawmakers, organizati­ons and activists are demanding a swifter and more aggressive remake of the Affordable Care Act than many Republican­s are comfortabl­e with, raising questions about whether President Trump and the GOP are headed toward gridlock as they try to fulfill their promise to repeal the health care law.

Three conservati­ve senators known for bucking GOP leadership during Barack Obama’s presidency — Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Mike Lee, R-Utah — are raising the possibilit­y of doing the same under Trump.

And outside Congress, three prominent groups — Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity and Heritage Action for America — plan to increase pressure on lawmakers to repeal the law fully or risk retributio­n from the conservati­ve grass roots.

If they hold together in the Senate, where Republican­s have just 52 seats, the three senators alone could sink a Republican bill.

The current proposal, floated privately this week by House Republican­s, repeals portions of the ACA but, due to pressure from constituen­ts who depend on the law, leaves some elements intact that conservati­ves are not happy about.

Few details of the proposal have emerged publicly.

“The repeal bill ought to be a repeal,” Paul said Thursday, as he declared about a replacemen­t plan House Republican­s presented to GOP senators at a closed-door meeting the previous afternoon. He also raised the possibilit­y that Cruz and Lee might join him. “Talk to the two people that tweeted out with me,” he said.

Cruz and Lee used similar language in tweets this week. With reporters, Cruz has been more circumspec­t, but he has left open the possibilit­y of opposing the Republican plan. “There’s agreement and disagreeme­nt between the two chambers, but at the end of the day, I believe we will repeal Obamacare,” he said.

In addition to starting a game of chicken with Republican leaders on the Hill and the Trump administra­tion, opponents of anything less than full repeal have also created uncertaint­y for millions of Americans who receive coverage through the ACA.

The strife came as House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., laid out a three-week timeline for the passage of health care legislatio­n in a closed-door meeting with fellow Republican­s Thursday, according to numerous attendees.

For the many Republican­s who were elected during Obama’s presidency with a mandate to block his agenda, obstructio­n comes much more naturally than governance.

The effort to repeal the ACA is the first major test of whether they can harness the energy they used to oppose the law to actually undo it — or whether ideologica­l divisions will sink the effort.

The coordinate­d resistance has raised the spectre of a resurgent ideologica­l right wing, which has appeared at least publicly to be in retreat since Trump’s victory. Many of the president’s positions, including his desire to protect insurance coverage for Americans, run counter to conservati­ve orthodoxy and leave room for a revolt.

But Trump’s continued popularity on the right puts these conservati­ves in a tough spot should the president more fully embrace the emerging House plan. They risk alienating Trump’s loyal base — a prospect many lawmakers do not take lightly.

“I don’t want to draw a line and say that I’m against this proposal and I will put a ‘no’ vote up,” said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who prefers full repeal.

The House plan calls for a refundable tax credit to help Americans afford insurance premiums, but conservati­ves in the House and the Senate think it amounts to an expensive new federal entitlemen­t.

Key House committees are set to take up legislatio­n as soon as next week. The first steps involve parallel action by the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The following week, the House Budget Committee is scheduled to combine the bills into a “reconcilia­tion” package eligible for Senate debate, with votes on the House floor expected the week after that.

No legislativ­e text has been released by Ryan’s office or by the relevant committees. One part of the legislatio­n, handled by the Energy and Commerce Committee, has been made available to members of that panel — but only for inspection behind closed doors.

Paul complained Thursday that House GOP leaders were being too secretive. Democrats voiced similar complaints.

“We’re here today because I’d like to read the Obamacare bill,” said Paul near the room where the bill was being reviewed. “If you’d recall, when Obamacare was passed in 2009 and 2010, Nancy Pelosi said, ‘You’ll know what’s in it after you pass it.’ The Republican Party shouldn’t act in the same way.”

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