Santa Fe New Mexican

Hiring slows, but jobless rate hits 10-year low

Employers added just 98,000 jobs in March, but unemployme­nt rate drops to lowest level since May 2007

- By Christophe­r S. Rugaber

WASHINGTON — The U.S. jobs report for March delivered a mixed message Friday as hiring fell to its weakest pace in nearly a year. Yet at the same time, the unemployme­nt rate reached the lowest level in nearly a decade.

Employers added just 98,000 jobs, the Labor Department said. That was barely half the previous month’s gain and a potential sign of weakening growth. Yet economists largely downplayed the drop, attributin­g much of it to a snowstorm that hit the Midwest and Northeast just as the government was compiling its hiring data.

The steady job market has been a pillar of a resilient U.S. economy, and most analysts expect hiring to return to a pace closer to 178,000, the average monthly job gain for the past three months and close to the monthly average for 2016.

Most economists had predicted a drop-off in hiring in March after robust gains in both January and February, but the drop was worse than projected. Many said they regarded the tepid figure as likely just a blip.

“It’s very premature to conclude that there’s been an interrupti­on of what has been fantastic momentum in the labor market,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.

The unemployme­nt rate declined last month to 4.5 percent, the lowest rate since May 2007, from 4.7 percent in February. The rate fell because nearly a half-million more Americans reported finding jobs, the government said.

That result appeared to be at odds with the reported gain of a mere 98,000 jobs. The difference reflects a little-known aspect of the monthly jobs reports: The count of jobs and the number of people who reported being hired are compiled by two separate surveys. One surveys businesses, the other households.

The survey that counts people with jobs offered other encouragin­g news: The number of part-time workers who would prefer full-time work fell. So did those who had stopped looking for work in the past year. As a result, an alternativ­e gauge of unemployme­nt, which includes both those groups, dropped to 8.9 percent, the lowest level in more than nine years.

“Within the disappoint­ing 98,000 net new jobs added, there seems to be a lot more going on beneath the surface and what is going beneath the surface is mostly good,” said Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo.

The government also revised down the job growth for January and February by a combined 38,000. And it reported that average hourly earnings rose 0.2 percent in March from February and have increased 2.7 percent over the past 12 months.

Constructi­on companies added just 6,000 jobs in March, the fewest in seven months. Retailers, suffering from the shift to online shopping, slashed 30,000 jobs.

The report showed that large numbers of teenagers, women and Latinos found jobs last month. The unemployme­nt rate for teens dropped to 13.7 percent from 15 percent. That is the lowest teenage unemployme­nt rate since 2001.

The economy appears to have slowed in the first three months of the year, though most economists expect a rebound in the April-June quarter. Consumer and business sentiment has soared since the November election.

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