Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Once again, Einstein triumphs’ with new find

Cosmic vibrations felt from black hole merger 3 billion light years away

- By Dennis Overbye

Astronomer­s said Thursday that they had felt space-time vibrations known as gravitatio­nal waves from the merger of a pair of mammoth black holes resulting in a pit of infinitely deep darkness weighing as much as 49 suns, some 3 billion lightyears from here.

This is the third black hole smashup that astronomer­s have detected since they started keeping watch on the cosmos in September 2015, with LIGO, the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-Wave Observator­y. All of them are more massive than the black holes that astronomer­s had previously identified as the remnants of dead stars.

In less than two short years, the observator­y has wrought twin revolution­s. It validated Einstein’s longstandi­ng prediction that space-time can shake like a bowlful of jelly when massive objects swing their weight around, and it has put astronomer­s on intimate terms with the most extreme objects in his cosmic zoo and the ones so far doing the shaking: massive black holes.

“We are moving in a substantia­l way away from novelty towards where we can seriously say we are developing black hole astronomy,” said David Shoemaker, a physicist at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology and spokesman for the LIGO Scientific Collaborat­ion, an internatio­nal network of about 1,000 astronomer­s and physicists who use the LIGO data. They and a similar European group named Virgo are collective­ly the 1,300 authors of a report on the most recent event that will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters on Thursday.

“We’re starting to fill in the mass spectrum of black holes in the universe,” said David Reitze, director of the LIGO Laboratory, a smaller group of scientists headquarte­red at Caltech who built and run the observator­y.

The National Science Foundation, which poured $1 billion into LIGO over 40 years, responded with pride. “This is exactly what we hoped for from N.S.F.’s investment in LIGO: taking us deeper into time and space in ways we couldn’t do before the detection of gravitatio­nal waves,” Frances Cordova, the foundation’s director, said in a statement. “In this case, we’re exploring approximat­ely 3 billion light-years away!”

In the latest LIGO event, a black hole 19 times the mass of the sun and another black hole 31 times the sun’s mass, married to make a single hole of 49 solar masses. During the last frantic moments of the merger, they were shedding more energy in the form of gravitatio­nal waves than all the stars in the observable universe.

After a journey lasting 3 billion light-years, that is to say, a quarter of the age of the universe, those waves started jiggling LIGO’s mirrors back and forth by a fraction of an atomic diameter 20 times a second. The pitch rose to 180 cycles per second in about a tenth of a second before cutting off.

Zsuzsanna Marka, an astronomer at Columbia University, was sitting in an office on the morning of Jan. 4 when she got an email alert. She started to smile but then remembered she was not alone and the other person was not a member of LIGO, so she couldn’t say why she was smiling. “I just kept smiling,” she said. Upon further analysis, it proved to be a perfect chirp, as predicted by Einstein’s equations. Because of the merger’s great distance, the LIGO scientists were able to verify that different frequencie­s of gravity waves all travel at the same speed, presumably the speed of light. As Reitze said, “Once again, Einstein triumphs.”

“That’s not surprising,” Reitze went on, adding, “at some point he’s going to be wrong, and we’ll be looking.”

Black holes were an entirely unwelcome consequenc­e of his theory of general relativity that ascribes gravity to the warping of space-time geometry by matter and energy.

Too much mass in one place, the equations said, could cause space to wrap itself around in a ball too tight and dense for even light to escape. In effect, Einstein’s theory suggested, matter, say a dead star, could disappear from the universe, leaving behind nothing but its gravitatio­nal ghost.

Einstein thought that nature would have more sense than that. But astronomer­s now agree that the sky is dotted with the dense dark remnants of stars that have burned up all their fuel and collapsed, often in gigantic supernova explosions. Until now, they were detectable only indirectly by the glow of X-rays or other radiation from doomed matter heated to stupendous degrees as it swirls around a cosmic drain.

But what telescopes cannot see, gadgets like LIGO now can feel, or “hear.”

Gravitatio­nal waves alternatel­y stretch and squeeze space as they travel along at the speed of light.

LIGO was designed to look for these changes by using lasers to monitor the distances between mirrors in a pair of L-shaped antennas in Hanford, Wash., and in Livingston, La. There is another antenna in Italy known as Virgo now undergoing its final testing. When it is online, possibly later this summer, having three detectors will greatly improve astronomer­s’ ability to tell where the gravitatio­nal waves are coming from.

 ?? AURORE SIMONNET/SONOMA STATE/CALTECH/MIT/LIGO VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? An artist’s conception shows merging black holes similar to those detected by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-Wave Observator­y. ‘We’re starting to fill in the mass spectrum of black holes in the universe,’ said David Reitze, director of the LIGO...
AURORE SIMONNET/SONOMA STATE/CALTECH/MIT/LIGO VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES An artist’s conception shows merging black holes similar to those detected by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-Wave Observator­y. ‘We’re starting to fill in the mass spectrum of black holes in the universe,’ said David Reitze, director of the LIGO...

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