Santa Fe New Mexican

White House signals it will accept Russia sanctions bill

Consequenc­es of legislatio­n could affect U.S. ties with Moscow, presidency’s power

- By Peter Baker

WASHINGTON — The White House indicated Sunday that President Donald Trump would accept new legislatio­n curtailing his authority to lift sanctions on Russia on his own, a striking turnaround after a broad revolt by lawmakers of both parties who distrusted his friendly approach to Moscow and sought to tie his hands.

If it passes, as now seems likely, the measure will represent the first time that Congress, with both houses controlled by fellow Republican­s, has forced its will on Trump on a major policy matter. That it comes on an issue as fraught as Russia illustrate­s how investigat­ions into possible collusion between Moscow and Trump’s team during last year’s election have cost him politicall­y.

The legislatio­n may also have longterm consequenc­es for the U.S. relationsh­ip with Russia and the power of the presidency. Once sanctions are written into law, they are much harder to lift, even long after the circumstan­ces prompting them have changed, which

is one reason European allies opposed the bill. And presidents from both parties have long resisted Congress’ inserting itself into the process of determinin­g foreign policy through mandatory sanctions.

But Trump found himself in a no-win position, as lawmakers eager to punish Russia for its interferen­ce in the election and its aggression toward its neighbors dispensed with the usual partisan divide. Trump, who has made it a priority to establish warm relations with President Vladimir Putin of Russia, lashed out in anger at both parties on Sunday.

“As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians!” Trump wrote on Twitter. He then added: “It’s very sad that Republican­s, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President.”

The outburst contrasted with the efforts of his staff to argue that the sanctions measure had been improved. With little chance of blocking it, the White House was left to declare that changes to the original legislatio­n made in an agreement announced over the weekend were enough to satisfy the president’s concerns.

“The administra­tion is supportive of being tough on Russia, particular­ly in putting these sanctions in place,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the new White House press secretary, said on This Week on ABC. “The original piece of legislatio­n was poorly written, but we were able to work with the House and Senate, and the administra­tion is happy with the ability to do that and make those changes that were necessary, and we support where the legislatio­n is now.”

Still, there seemed to be confusion among the president’s advisers. Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communicat­ions director, said on another show that the president had not decided whether to sign the measure.

“You’ve got to ask President Trump that,” he said on State of the Union on CNN. “It’s my second or third day on the job. My guess is he’s going to make that decision shortly.” He added, “He hasn’t made the decision yet to sign that bill one way or the other.”

That seemed mainly to reflect the fact that Scaramucci was getting up to speed in his new role. “My bad,” Scaramucci said by text when asked about the different comments. “Go with what Sarah is saying as I am new to the informatio­n.”

Privately, other White House officials said that, although the president would not publicly commit to signing the bill until seeing the final version, they saw no politicall­y viable alternativ­e if it arrived at his desk as currently written. So Sanders seized on the changes made to lay the predicate for his expected signature.

In reality, while the changes made the measure somewhat more palatable to the White House and to energy companies that objected, they mainly provided a way for the president to back down from a confrontat­ion he was sure to lose if the sanctions bill reached the floor of the House. The Senate passed the original version of the bill, 97-2, and the new version, which also includes sanctions on Iran and North Korea, may come to a vote in the House as early as Tuesday.

“In the end, the administra­tion will come to the conclusion that an overwhelmi­ng majority of Congress has, and that is that we need to sanction Russia for their meddling in the U.S. election,” Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said on Fox News Sunday. “That, I think, will pass probably overwhelmi­ngly again in the Senate and with a veto-proof majority.”

Sen. Benjamin J. Cardin, D-Md. and a longtime leader in pressing for more sanctions on Russia, particular­ly for human rights abuses, put it bluntly on the same program. “If he vetoes the bill,” Cardin said, “we will override his veto.”

Russia has bristled at American sanctions for years, particular­ly since the United States began imposing them under President Barack Obama in 2014 after Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and interventi­on in eastern Ukraine. Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, said Russian visitors with Kremlin ties raised separate human rights sanctions at a meeting during last year’s campaign, and his father said Putin raised them with him this month during a summit meeting in Germany.

The Kremlin said over the weekend that it took an “extremely negative” view of the new congressio­nal measure but sought to dismiss the impact of its provisions. Russian media outlets noted on Sunday that the bill appeared less severe than feared.

Vesti Nedeli, the flagship news program of Rossiya 1, a state-owned television channel, gave only a brief summary of the new legislatio­n, focusing instead on the Obama administra­tion’s seizure in December of two Russian diplomatic compounds in Maryland and New York.

 ?? HILARY SWIFT/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? On Saturday, President Donald Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews on his way to Norfolk, Va., for a commission­ing ceremony for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford. The White House indicated that President Trump would accept new legislatio­n imposing sanctions on Russia and curtailing his authority to lift them on his own.
HILARY SWIFT/THE NEW YORK TIMES On Saturday, President Donald Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews on his way to Norfolk, Va., for a commission­ing ceremony for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford. The White House indicated that President Trump would accept new legislatio­n imposing sanctions on Russia and curtailing his authority to lift them on his own.

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