Santa Fe New Mexican

Companies rush to develop gene therapies

Products closest to approval have limited focus — to treat blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, as opposed to tumors that form in organs like the pancreas

- By Denise Grady

The approval of gene therapy for leukemia, expected in the next few months, will open the door to a radically new class of cancer treatments. Companies and universiti­es are racing to develop these new therapies, which re-engineer and turbocharg­e millions of a patient’s own immune cells, turning them into cancer killers that researcher­s call a “living drug.” One of the big goals is to get them to work for many other cancers, including those of the breast, prostate, ovary, lung and pancreas.

“This has been utterly transforma­tive in blood cancers,” said Dr. Stephan Grupp, director of the cancer immunother­apy program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelph­ia, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvan­ia and a leader of major studies. “If it can start to work in solid tumors, it will be utterly transforma­tive for the whole field.”

But it will take time to find that out, he said, at least five years.

This type of treatment is also being studied in glioblasto­ma, the aggressive brain tumor that Sen. John McCain was found to have last week. Results of a study at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, published Wednesday, were mixed. In the first 10 patients treated there, one has lived more than 18 months, with what the researcher­s called “stable disease.” Two other survivors have cancer that has progressed, and the rest have died.

Studies are forging ahead on many fronts. Researcher­s plan to try giving the cell treatment to children with earlier stages of leukemia than in the past, combining it with other treatments and developing new types of cell therapy. One new version, with human trials just starting, uses immune cells extracted not from the patient, but from samples of umbilical-cord blood donated by mothers when they give birth.

The products closest to approval have a limited focus — to treat blood cancers like leukemia (for which an FDA advisory panel recommende­d approval of the first treatment last week) and lymphoma, as opposed to the solid tumors that form in organs like the breasts and lungs, and cause many more deaths.

About 80,000 people a year have the kinds of blood cancers that the first round of new treatments can fight, out of the 1.7 million cases of cancer diagnosed annually in the United States.

The new treatments are expected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they come with risks. Patients in the earliest studies nearly died from side effects like raging fever, low blood pressure and lung congestion.

Doctors have learned how to control those reactions, but experts also have concerns about possible long-term effects like second cancers that could in theory be caused by the disabled viruses used in genetic engineerin­g. No such cancers have been seen so far, but it is too soon to rule them out.

The new leukemia treatment involves removing millions of white blood cells called T-cells — often referred to as the soldiers of the immune system — from the patient’s bloodstrea­m, geneticall­y engineerin­g them to recognize and kill cancer, multiplyin­g them and then infusing them back into the patient. The process is expensive because each treatment has to be made separately for each person.

Solid tumors are less amenable to treatment with these altered cells — which scientists call CAR-T cells — but studies at various centers are trying to find ways to use it against mesothelio­ma and cancers of the ovary, breast, prostate, pancreas and lung.

“These solid tumors are like Fort Knox,” Grupp said. “They don’t want to let the T-cells in. We need combinatio­n approaches, CAR-T plus something else, but until the something else is defined we’re not doing to see the same kind of responses.”

The pioneering T-cell therapy for leukemia was created at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, which licensed it to Novartis. The FDA panel recommende­d approval of it for a narrow subset of severely ill patients, only a few hundred a year in the United States: those ages 3-25 who have B-cell acute lymphoblas­tic leukemia that has relapsed or not responded to the standard treatments. Those patients have poor odds of surviving, but in clinical trials, a single T-cell treatment has produced long remissions in many and possibly even cured some.

Novartis plans to request another approval later this year of the same treatment for adults who have a type of lymphoma — diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that has relapsed or resisted treatment. A competitor, Kite Pharma, has also filed for approval of a T-cell treatment for lymphoma. Another competitor, Juno, suffered a setback when it shut down a T-cell study in adults after five patients died from brain swelling.

Novartis is studying several other types of T-cells, with different genetic tweaks, to treat chronic lymphocyti­c leukemia, multiple myeloma as well as glioblasto­ma.

Some of the more promising work so far involves efforts to make the existing gene treatments even more effective in blood cancers. For lymphoma patients, the T-cells are being given along with a drug, ibrutinib, and the combinatio­n seems to work better than either treatment alone.

At the Children’s Hospital of Philadelph­ia, there are not enough study spots for all the patients who hope to receive T-cell treatment, and the waiting time can stretch to months, longer than some can afford to wait.

Grupp said that one encouragin­g avenue of research involved giving the T-cells at an earlier stage of the disease, instead of very late, as rules now require. He said a study was being planned at multiple centers that he hoped would start within the next six months or so.

The patients would be children with early signs that the usual chemothera­py — which cures many — is not working well for them.

“We could deploy the treatment considerab­ly earlier and before they get so sick,” he said. He added, “That is another big step in terms of trying to figure out how to use these cells appropriat­ely.”

Earlier treatment, he said, might help some patients avoid bonemarrow transplant, a grueling, lastditch treatment. Children with less advanced disease also tend to have milder side effects from the T-cell treatment.

Studies in children are also underway to combine T-cell treatment with the immunother­apy drugs called checkpoint inhibitors, which help unleash the cancer-killing power of T-cells.

The T-cells in the Novartis products, and in the earliest ones its competitor­s are developing, have been engineered to seek and destroy cells that display on their surfaces a protein called CD19 — a characteri­stic of many leukemias and lymphomas.

Identifyin­g other targets would be a boon, Grupp said, because sometimes leukemic cells lacking CD19 proliferat­e, escape the treatment and cause relapse.

Another target is being studied, and Grupp said the next step, which he called “super important,” would be to attack two cellular targets in the same patient.

In the next year or so, he said, that approach will also be studied in both children and adults who have acute myeloid leukemia, which he described as a “tough disease.”

Researcher­s at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston are trying a different approach to engineerin­g cells, one that they hope might eventually yield an “off the shelf ” treatment that would not have to be tailored to each individual patient and that might be less expensive.

Instead of using T-cells, the team uses natural killer cells, another component of the immune system, one that has a powerful ability to fight anything it recognizes as foreign. Instead of extracting the cells from patients, the researcher­s remove the natural killers from samples of umbilical-cord blood donated by women who have just given birth.

They use natural killer cells because T-cells from one person cannot be safely given to another, lest they attack the host’s tissue, causing graft-versus-host disease, which can be fatal. Natural killer cells do not cause that deadly reaction, so it is safe to use such cells from a newborn’s cord blood to treat patients.

The natural killer cells are geneticall­y engineered to attack CD19, and also to produce a substance that activates them and helps them persist in the body. They also have an “off switch,” a gene that will let the researcher­s shut down the cells with a certain drug if they cause dangerous side effects that cannot be controlled.

After promising studies in mice, the researcher­s have opened a study for adults with relapsed or treatmentr­esistant chronic lymphocyti­c leukemia, acute lymphocyti­c leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The first patient was to be treated

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 ?? T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Emily Whitehead is the first child to be treated for leukemia with geneticall­y engineered T-cells, which were made by researcher­s at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, in Beltsville, Md. Companies and universiti­es are developing gene therapies that will...
T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/THE NEW YORK TIMES Emily Whitehead is the first child to be treated for leukemia with geneticall­y engineered T-cells, which were made by researcher­s at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, in Beltsville, Md. Companies and universiti­es are developing gene therapies that will...

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