Santa Fe New Mexican

Canutito learns ‘más about el mundo’


Ya era el tiempo del autumn y Canutito estaba running around gathering up los pollitos, los gansitos y los patitos because snow was expected to begin falling muy prontito. Ya, he had gathered up the little chicks and turkeys pero los patitos, porque tenían webbed feet, would just swim out hasta el medio del pond even though que el agua was freezing cold. Grampo came on over a ver por qué Canutito was taking so long para recoger los ducklings.

¿Qué pasa, m’hijo?” Grampo Caralampio called out to him. ¿Por qué estás taking so long to bring a ese patito back into el coop?”

“I got all the others, grampo,” Canutito said, “pero no puedo hacer catch a este patito.” Y luego he added, “Pero, I guess que it is my fault for naming him ‘Simon Peter.’ ”

Grampo Caralampio looked al muchachito con curiosity y luego he asked him, “Why did you name your patito such a silly cosa como ‘Simon Peter,’ m’hijo?”

“I baptized him ‘Simon Peter’ porque ever since this ducky was little, podía caminar en el agua and I figured that a duck that could walk on water, era poco especial.”

“Pero, since you baptized al patito,” grampo said, “tú eres como John the Baptist.”

“I’ve always been curious about that, grampo” Canutito said. “¿Por qué era John un ‘Baptist’ instead of being un ‘Católico?’ ”

“I can see por qué eso might be confusing, m’hijo,” grampo said. “I think he should have been called John the Baptizer so that people don’t think que era de otra religión.”

After chasing al duckling de un lão de la laguna to the other, al fin grampo and Canutito caught Simon Peter and put him en el gallinero con el rest de las chickens. Just then it started to snow and grampo and Canutito raced pa’la casa a repechar la nieve .As they sat en la cocina shaking off los copos de nieve, they could see a Grama Cuca on her knees en el otro cuarto. Estaba waxeando el suelo. The two men kept talking en la cocina.

Grampo Caralampio turned to the little boy and said, “Is there anything else que te puedo hacer explain, m’hijo?”

“Sí, grampo,” Canutito began. “Ayer en la escuela, I heard some boys saying que they weren’t going to touch a otro little boy porque el muchachito tenía ‘cooties.’ ¿Qué son ,cooties,’ grampo?”

“I think que los ‘cooties’ son como piojos americanos,” grampo said.

“Oh,” said Canutito comprendie­ndo ,“Son American-style fleas; eso es un poco foneh.”

“Otra cosa más, grampo,” Canutito said, pensando un poco. “Last Sunday, en la misa, a lady in the choir said that I looked como un ‘colito bonito;’ Does that mean que I have a cute little butt?”

“I think que she probably meant ‘colita’, m’hijo,” grampo said.

“No, that’s not what un ‘colito’ is, m’hijo,” Grama Cuca called from the hall donde todavía estaba waxing the floor. “She probably meant que you looked like an ‘acólito;’ eso quiere decir ‘acolyte’ o también quiere decir ‘altar boy.’ ”

“I have otra pregunta,” Canutito paused. “Mi amigo el Freddie estaba explaining to me un día que ese toothpaste que se llama ‘Colgate’ in English, really means ‘go hang yourself ’ in Spanish. ¿Es verdad?”

“Close, pero not quite, m’hijo,” Grama Cuca said, rising de sus rodillas. “‘Cuélgate’ means ‘go hang yourself ’ pero ‘Colgate’ es nomás una marca para la pasta de los dientes.”

“Oh, I get it,” Canutito said. “Es como un play on words. Pero I’m kind of confused de lo que oí yesterday. I heard que hubo una mujer who was stabbed allá en el State Fair, en mes pasão. Cuando les hiceron ask a los detectives donde la habían hecho stab, ellos respondier­on que ‘she was stabbed in the amusement area;’ ¿Cuál parte del human body es el ‘amusement area?’ “

“El amusement area nomás quiere decir ‘the carnival area’ del State Fair,” said Grama Cuca quickly before Grampo could inject su interpreta­ción …

 ??  ?? Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish
Larry Torres Growing up Spanglish

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